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Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) Started conversation Sep 4, 2002
hi I am a new member of h2g2 which I am glad I found while reading "the salmon of doubt" written by the late Douglass Adams and I have officially decided that it is excelent oh right why I decided to talk to you I am a south australian and if you havent heard of willunga which is right next to MCLAREN VALE then you can't know much about wine or local geography. Anyway I really do like the bit on your space about the dreams I myself am a poet at heart and do often write although I havent yet put that on my list on my space.
Phoenician Trader Posted Oct 17, 2002
Sorry for the delay, but I have been on internet holiday.
I know Willunga well. I have lived there and even spent a year at Willunga Primary School. The town is great, the school is a shocker though (or at least it was then).
Please write to me.
Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) Posted Oct 20, 2002
The primary school probably is better than then but I am really annoyed because the government gave it a 6 million dollar grant but development didn't start till this year the same year I leave Gee, arent I lucky? anyway i have to go now plz rite back
Phoenician Trader Posted Oct 21, 2002
It has to be much better! When I was there they had to close the toilets (I never knew why) and replaced them with a pair of shipping containers on wooden blocks. I hope they are gone now. If not, I know what the 6M$ are going to spent on first.
Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) Posted Oct 25, 2002
Yes you're right it is much better latest on willunga ps the school was going to buy two houses right next to it and keep the fron wall for looks (in know theres a word for that) and build the class rooms behind it but now the owners wont sell and even better the government isn't paying up! and weve got some bogus plans they want to have it two storeys but that means no wheelchair because an elevator is too expensive even though they havent had a kid hanicapped in anyway like that in the last 20 years and of course theres no logic whatsoever in a ramp noooooooo...
okay Ive had my rant Ill go up to the top of my pine tree(tallest tree in willunga) and see if I can spot any arsenists heading for the council building
which very recenly was combined with the library and now looks very flashy before they both looked like s**t bye!
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