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Another Christmas racked up

Post 1

Jynnan Tonnyx (-2+7-9+0!+invtan(1) =42)

So, since I last got around to adding a journal entry, things have been quite eventful...

I spent most of November & December working in Brussels, doing 12 hour days in a pokey office monkeying around with Java, JSP, HTML & PL/SQL... not to be recommended!

I did manage to grab a week off in the middle, but only courtesy of a scarily 'should-probably-have-been-fatal' car crash involving a slippery road surface, a twisty road, several trees and a 5 foot drop into a field next to the road! My car was a total write-off, yet I managed to walk away with nothing more than a cut on my forehead. Trust me, if you saw the pictures of the car afterwards, you too would probably have that "Holy f**k" reaction that I am becoming increasingly used to seeing.

I'm still trying to work out how I walked away from it, and I've only just managed to get a new car this week (in which the starter motor died after only 3 days!)

Merry Christmas

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