A Conversation for Stating and Restating the Obvious
U175582 - Stating And Restating The Obvious
Daniel Siksay Started conversation May 15, 2001
This is a nice attempt at explaining why humans have the ability to state and restate the very, very obvious. 42.
U175582 - Stating And Restating The Obvious
Trigger Posted May 16, 2001
You know... I gotta say. You got me all excited to read an article about stating and restating the obvious and all I got was your researcher site. Now let's be honest here, do you really have an entry to show us or are you just tryin to advertise yourself? . Remember, the guide isn't to put out ads but to inform everyone and generally entertain. If there really is no entry about stating and restating the obvious... then please don't say there is. In the mean time, maybe there was just some sort of small error, but I dunno
- Matt
U175582 - Stating And Restating The Obvious
Barton Posted May 16, 2001
The article number is A554951.
It is located at
And I am afraid that it is a charming little fairy tale that will not suit the edited guide.
I'm afraid I have no suggestions to make as there is nothing here despite of its interesting title, that I could suggest a basis for an article improved or otherwise.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Apr 11, 2014
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Stating and Restating the Obvious'.
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U175582 - Stating And Restating The Obvious
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