Stating and Restating the Obvious
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Long ago, there lived a kind, gentle woman, called Gabriella. Every day, she would walk to her small job at the market, selling fruits, and ohter exotic foods. On one particular day, Gabriella was very obediently walking to work, not harming any living being, or non-living being. Just as she arrived at her job, she was unexpectedly (and very unfortunately) devoured by a large, green fly, who claimed that Gabriella had swatted one of his (smaller) cousins. As word of the incident spread around town, the story was modified in a way that, after 2 years, completly changed the plot of the story. After 10 years, everyone had told and retold this story so many times, that the story became obvious to everyone who heard it. It became a habit for humans to state and restate andything even remotely obvious.