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So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 1

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

This is the second time I have written this today.....I had a little accident with the back button on my browser so I will try again.

I have had a few questions on my name here on H2G2 and other places around the web. I use the name Tacsatduck on most things I am on so if you are surfing around and you see some shmuck playing chess or chatting with the name tacsatduck then its more than likely me. Sense the two parts of the name have different stories I will tell them separately.

TACSATDUCK- is actually a smushed up form of three separate words. Tac Sat and Duck. Now the last part is easy to explain my first name is Donald and that (thanks to Disney) is forever linked to Duck. I actually used the nickname Super Duck in High School. The Tac and Sat are actually short for Tactical and Satellite. When I was in the Army I did Satellite Communications and there were two types of units one with my job could get assigned to. The fixed site is like working in a big office with 60ft dishes out side. You work in shifts and you don't have to worry about getting to dirty. The Tactical side (where I was at) would be in the middle of the woods with 8 or 20ft dishes ready to tear down and move at the drop of a hat. We used the term Tac Sat to destinush us from everyone else we went to the field with. I added the ending of my old name to distinguish my self so I was the Tac Sat Duck....tacsatduck pretty simple actually.

BEWARE THE SHEEP LIE- Well it sort of comes from this joke that I will put at the end of this entry. If you have read my entry on the Sheep war thing then you actually know some of the things I am about to say. Yes that story is mainly fictious but I used real things from my life in there. I was at AIT with a very funny and smart guy named Woody...I think his actual last name was Woodworth or some such but everyone just called him Woody. He was about to get out of the Army on a medical discharge and it was mandatory for him to see a phscologist. This pshyocolgist I do believe turned out to be a very nice looking female and Woody being himself got along rather well with her. While talking to her he had brought up that sheep tell him to do things but they lie (I do believe he got this from the joke that was going through the barracks at the time, its the one I mentioned earlier) she found this amusing and yes she did realize he was messing with her. The other part of the story that is somewhat true is about Bill (well kinda). I have a place that I hang out in Dobbs Ferry (the place I live now) and have gotten to know all the regulars pretty good. The joke was told and everybody thought it was funny. Then it became a little inside joke with us and when Bill would leave he would say something like and watch out the sheep lie. This was going on when I joined H2G2 and I figured I would put it with my name cus it was smiley - silly and I like that sort of thing you see. (oh and bill is a famous photographer by the way) So that about explains it....well all but the joke so here goes

Dr. Dolittle was driving down the road and happened to get two flats at one time. He could not fix both so he figured he would walk up to the farm house he could see and ask to use the phone to call AAA. He knocked on the door and when it was answered he explained his situation. The farmer (the guy that answered the door) listened to the story and said that he could use the phone but that the one in the house was dropped and broken earlier in the day. They would have to walk out to the barn and use that one. While walking a long the farmers dog came up to Dr. Dolittle and started barking at him. Dr. Dolittle stopped and started barking back....after a while the dog stopped, turned and left...The farmer asked the Dr what that was all about and the Dr told him that the dog is tired of having nothing but the crunchy dog food and that if the farmer would not mind picking up the wed kind from time to time the dog would greatly appreciate it. The farmer laughed and said ya whatever (clearly not believing that the Dr actually talked to a dog) They got to the barn door and opened it and a inside was a horse in a very small stall. The Dr. walked over and started talking to the horse....after a little while he came back over to the farmer and told him the horse was very upset about a few things going on lately. It seems the farmer had worked the horse very hard the other day in the rain and then didn't have the decency to brush it and take care of it properly... not only that but the farmer had just moved it into this way to small of a stall just so he could hang a hammock in the other bigger stall...The Farmer didn't know what to say...all these things where true and the only way he could of know any of it is if he could talk to the horse...just then a sheep walked around the corner and the farmer quickly replied "Don't listen to that sheep she's a f**ing liar"

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - laugh

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 3

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

this hopefully will make it a bit faster to tell the story when someone asks

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 4

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I don't know... That was my logic behind putting the mufflewhump bit in my name, but it doesn't always work...

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 5

Micheal Jay Mole

Pardon my rudeness if I am interrupting: I have found the Mufflewhumps, where are the sheep? (ooohh I am wicked!)

That was a great story! Sometime "further on down the road" I'll confess to my real nick name. Only our Beloved Ant knows and she is sworn to secrecy!(Hmmm...AGB might know) It is associated with something I hate (yet very common) which is the reason I am so reticent.

I recently added "Jay" to my name in honor of Jay Ward, creator of Bulwinkle and Rockey. I will have to start a branch of Watsamata U on h2g2 if I can get around the (tm).

Trivia: the first season of Bulwinkle and Rocky was shown prime time and had a laugh track. Seems very strange now to watch a cartoon which has a laugh track, but then Jay Ward was aiming his material at an adult audience. Read (or listen) between the lines: lots of political satyre.

Sheep do lie! smiley - winkeye


So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 6

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - ok

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 7


smiley - biggrin good sheep joke

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 8

Detective Armani

It`s interesting to learn that sheep jokes are pretty much the same the world oversmiley - biggrin

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 9

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

ya pretty much smiley - winkeye

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 10


whays the difference beyween a scotsman and a rollin stone....a rollin syone says hey you getoffa my cloud...and a scotsman says..hey mcCloud get offa my ewe

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 11

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - laugh

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 12


smiley - bat

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 13


Well, what can I say the Sat-Tec stuff sounds rather technical smiley - headhurts
but at least it explains part of the handle.

as for the sheep lie I think I know where ur comming from smiley - biggrin

I am making a quantum leap and guesing that you may be stateside ?

As for me, i come from a little celtic backwater called Wales, where Sheep jokes prevail.

If your in the mood,

A welsh man was on holiday in Ireland (just over the water) where he sees a farmer with a sheep held tightly betwen his knees,
Wishing to be friendly and start a conversation the Welsh man asks the farmer are you shearing?
The farmer replies rather tartly, Pi** off, get your Own Frigging Sheep. smiley - blacksheep

PS that humour is not of necessity supported as acceptable by the management of JacktheDragonKeeper.

smiley - dragon

PPS thanks for the link......

So what's up with the name Tacsatduck-beware the sheep lie?

Post 14

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

no problem

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