This is the Message Centre for Kate

Wanted to say...

Post 1


great work on floor42. It's my #1 stop for DNA info. I also wanted to ask, if you had any spare time, if you could please look at my page at It's entertaining, I swear. Plus, if you're a Knicks fan, we can get into a little trash-talking. I just can't take any more "No replies" messages anymore! Thanks.


Wanted to say...

Post 2


28259, 23259, what's the difference? Found it anyway.
Oh, if you don't know who I am, I'm just Kate's coffee co-conspirator. Don't mind me, I've just had a big cup of Starbucks' finest (hey, new oxymoron!) and I'm all jittery. And I think I burnt my tongue. Dammit...

Burnt tongue

Post 3


Ick, I hate it when I burn my tongue. I've made a little game of seeing how long I can wait to drink the coffee after they've given it to me. Starbucks seems to serve theirs particularly hot; so far I can make it about three blocks (walking) before taking the risk.

Burnt tongue

Post 4


Yes, Starbucks does seem to serve their coffee 2 degrees away from being coffee-steam instead of coffee-liquid. Perhaps they think it serves to cover up the fact that their coffee tastes like someone used it to wash a dead cat.

But that's just one cat pimp's opinion.

Burnt tongue

Post 5


I have to disagree with you there, Pimp Cat. I've grown to very much enjoy quite a few blends from Starbucks, in particular their espresso roast. However, I'm always open to coffee suggestions!


Post 6


The insidious substance known as Frappacino must be stopped. It's all a plot to spirit away our precious bodily fluids. By the way, am I the only person on Earth who can't say or think "frappacino" without saying it like Beavis would?

Bottled coffee?

Post 7


I've managed to stay far away from the frappucino - although I've had some close calls. My former roommate worked at Starbucks, and when the frappucino was first introduced, the store promoted it by passing out free bottles of it. Somehow, we ended up with a case of it in the apartment. All I needed to ensure I would never touch it (besides the fact that it is, er, "coffee" in a bottle) was my roommate taking a sip and saying "this must be what evil tastes like!" (a borrowed line, admittedly). Luckily our neighbor couldn't get enough of the stuff, so off he went with the case and our best wishes.

Speaking of coffee...

Post 8

Jacob Skaaning

...We were descaling our coffee machine in school, and before it was through, some girl used the water for tea. She hadn't seen the large skull and crossbones on the sign saying "DO NOT DRINK! DESCALING!"... She felt a little weird after drinking it, and went home early. Then we looked at the bag.. It said something like: "DO NOT DRINK. POISON. IF IN CONTACT WITH EYES OR SKIN, RINSE CAREFULLY AND CONTACT DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY."
...She appears to be fine now, but sometimes she says these weird things...

Speaking of coffee...

Post 9


Oh good God.


Post 10

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

Thanks for the advice regarding images, unfortunately, the images are not currently on the web.

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