This is the Message Centre for Researcher 174778

leisure district users

Post 1


r there any LD users ere who wish to swap e-mail addy's?

leisure district users

Post 2

Loup Dargent

smiley - run

hi...smiley - smiley

here are a few links that you might find useful...

Friends of LD's space: U201567

The FoLDers Arms: A913150 [our own virtual bar...smiley - cool ]

LDers' Quotes Section: A909010 [brand new]

but, THE important one will have to be this one:

Plain Skin[_the_ digibox friendly skin]For Digibox Users: A948602 ... [link and instructions...smiley - wow ]

without using the plain skin it's very difficult to access conversations or/and some pages... at least with it the need to unplug the machine is almost nil...

talk soon...smiley - surfer

don't hesitate to join us for a chat and a drink at the LDers bar... smiley - ok?!...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

leisure district users

Post 3


Hi loup smiley - ok

Hi Researcher 218218 smiley - smiley

and if you would go back to your own page, and then if you would write a little somthing there, it don't have to be a lot, it's just to activate you page, Then I ( or another ACE ) can come and welcome you there and give you some more help smiley - cheers


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