A Conversation for Favourite Childhood Sweets and Candy

Midget Gems

Post 1

Crystal Butterfly

I still love them now!
And strings of liquorice, the red was best.
Aniseed Balls.
Black and white striped mints!
Sticks of rock with the town of origin printed through the middle, suck it until you get to the wording, then look at your pink teeth in a mirror!
Candy Floss.
Cinder Toffee.
10p lucky dips...you never knew what you were going to get!
Drumstick Lollies.
On hot summer days:
Rocket lollies.
A "99" icecream cone with a flake in.smiley - choc
Those pyramid shaped ice drinks which your mum froze then cut open the top for you to squeeze & eat.
Ice pops!

Midget Gems

Post 2


Red Licorice Love it still (excuse the spelling) Seaside rock Cant come from the coast whithout some Nice seeing money as sterling on the net (10p Lucky dip) 99s Whith flake have one most sundays

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