A Conversation for Favourite Childhood Sweets and Candy
Researcher 175198 Started conversation May 24, 2001
Does anyone remember Pacers? They looked exactly like Chewits, except they were diagonally striped in green and white, and were minty. They stopped doing them (AFAIK) many years ago, and I really miss them.
I also remember going into the local sweetshop on numerous occasions with 10p to get 20 Mojos! After they phased out the half-pennies, the owner of the shop would still give us 20 as she'd known us for years
Pacers and Spangles
Amaryllis Posted May 24, 2001
Pacers were great - they were the first sweet I thought of. There's nothing else quite like them. Sigh. And Spangles - you sucked them till the sugar was thin and fragile, then poked your tongue through the middle.
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