This is the Message Centre for honeycook


Post 1


hi Honeycook, I am glad that I am not the only one who has probs with the techniques of accessing this site, makes me me feel ancient.


Post 2


smiley - biggrinHi Sheila, I asked my son to help me..said he didn't know and he's only can't be anything to do with our age, though you are a lot younger than I am.. Glad you made it, nice to have some other place to chat away from the masses..Veeke is trying to teach me about MSN but that all goes so fast..Thing is I posted some pictures you an idea of who you are talking to..
Cheers, Julie


Post 3


See I have just posted a message to myself again!!!


Post 4


Now msn is something I really cannot get to grips with, and believe me I have tried.Whatever you are doing I am getting your messages so carry on I say, love Sheila


Post 5


Msn is deadeasy Sheila. Even I can manage cough cough...Honey's also afraid of msn haha or erm is it me smiley - laugh

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