A Conversation for The 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy by Phillip Pullman

When is an Ending not an Ending? When there is a Sequel

Post 1


Why is everyone saying that The Amber Spyglass is the end, it isn't by a long shot.

He is making many more books to do with the His Dark Materials Universe.

The first one being: Lyra's Oxford.

It may be the end of a Trilogy but not the end of a series.

When is an Ending not an Ending? When there is a Sequel

Post 2

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

he is? i'm relieved. I loved the his dark materials trilogy and always sorta thought that ending was a non end.

have any new books come out yet?

When is an Ending not an Ending? When there is a Sequel

Post 3


Lyra's Oxford is not much of a sequel, being so short and not particularly concerning the events in the trilogy. It's alright though, nicely packaged.

When is an Ending not an Ending? When there is a Sequel

Post 4

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing


When is an Ending not an Ending? When there is a Sequel

Post 5


I read Lyra's Oxford some time ago and then gave the book to a person whom I no longer count as one of my friends - which is why it is unlikely that I will read it again any time soon (the book's price is quite outrageous, at least in German bookstores).

However, the impression I had of Lyra's Oxford was that it was not so much a book/story, but rather an interactive riddle. Clues as to its *meaning* are hidden in the preface, the story, the names of places and the attached "appendices" - maps, photos, a postcard and advertisements.

I had been looking forward to dive into those riddles when such hopes were flouted by my not getting the book back...

Lyra's Oxdord is not really continuation of the plot of His Dark Materials. It is an insight into the life of one of its characters two years after the events portrayed in HDM. The riddles hidden in the story, on the other hand, just might shed some light on events back in HDM.


When is an Ending not an Ending? When there is a Sequel

Post 6

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Huh. Thats an interesting way to write a book.

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