A Conversation for The 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy by Phillip Pullman

Sally Lockheart

Post 1

Timmy Fish

I personally think that the four Sally Lockheart books (The Ruby in the Smoke, The Photographer in the North, The Tiger in the Well and The Tin Princess) are alot better than His Dark Materials. Unlike Northen Lights and it's sequels they're actually set in our world, during the Victorian era. They replace the magic and talking animals of His Dark Materials with cockney thugs, orphanges and illeagal trade.
smiley - schooloffish

Sally Lockheart

Post 2


I've read both the Sally Lockhart and HDM. It depends on which type of genre you prefer, as the Sally Lockhart books are totally different to HDM, I prefer Northern Lights etc. to Sally Lockhart, but then, I have always liked Fantasy!!

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