This is the Message Centre for Arhythmius

Joining; Memory; Teeth

Post 1


2 May, 2001

My nickname is Arhythmius. I'm sure I'll eventually break down and give away my real name, but for now we'll go with the nick.

Joined h2g2. Finally get a chance to keep an online journal, without having to write code. Even HTML is too time-consuming for me; when I want to make vain public declarations, I want to do it NOW.

Highlights of the last eight days: 1) Got a 12% raise at my job. This may very well turn out to be the highlight of my entire life, at least financially. I do not realistically expect to receive a raise of that size ever again. 2) Went to Disneyland last Saturday with my fiance. Hmm... her nickname is "kissesofrose", but that's just too frickin' long for a journal. I guess I'll refer to her as "Rose" for the purposes of this journal.

Have a (so far) minor toothache. Also having extreme difficulty understanding the evolutionary necessity of nerves on the inside of TEETH. The next stage of human evolution will surely do away with this ridiculous hindrance. Hell, it works for sharks, and they're one of the oldest families of animals on Earth. They lose a tooth, they just grow it back. In fact, doesn't the average shark lose 10 teeth a day or something? No prob, they have several ROWS of teeth, and lost teeth grow back in a flash.

Yeah, we need to be like that. Stupid human body...

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Joining; Memory; Teeth

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