A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Feb 24, 2006
How do you learn to start again, a new life without the one guiding light, the firm foundation on which your light has shone for 50 years?
How do you cope with the reversal of roles, suddenly feeling maternal instincts kicking in, for your own father?
How do you keep strong, for them, when all you feel capable of is crawling into a corner and howling?
RobinP Posted Sep 16, 2017
Now I just feel rude
Having neglected this site for so long and then finding your entry posted in 2006....Well to try and make it up to you, in answer to your question "How Do You Move On?"....
Time, that old cliche, is most definitely a healer BUT......
Becoming a Grandparent has, as far as I'm concerned, blown "The No.42" completely out of the water as far as "The Meaning Of Life" is concerned.
The only regret is that he will never meet our parents but thanks to the digital age, old photographs, recordings made, letters, diaries and a scanner, he will be able to explore his families past in a manner never before available to previous generations.
So, plenty still to do as My retirement approaches rapidly.
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Sep 17, 2017
Hi RobinP and nice to see you back. I am now 62, and caring for Mum... thankfully my children all met and loved their grandparents
My two youngest grandsons did not have the priviledge of meeting my father but they know all about him, he is very much still part of our family 11 years since he passed.
This year I lost my partner to cancer (age 71) so I am still grieving and determined to make no more plans, whatever you want to do just do it, because you never know what's round the corner. Last year we went to Devon and planned for this year to go to Ireland, poof! All gone up in smoke.
Enjoy your retirement
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