This is the Message Centre for wingpig

WOO and, indeed, HOOOO

Post 1


 Haha. Skegness is opn the front page. Now all it needs is for someone to read it and add something to the forum. Cheers to Peta for that one.


Post 2


I've read it and I've posted something to the forum.
How d'ya do that 'WOO' 'HOOO' thing. I'm impressed! smiley - smiley

P.s. It cocked up when I replied, though. smiley - sadface


Post 3


Oh. I see that's been nipped in the bud. smiley - sadface


Post 4


It was just the tag thing that now functions only in pages. It's handy, though, as there were a few forums that couldn't be reached by clicking on them as anything in a header didn't funtion as a link. Surprising that it worked, given that HTML and IMG SRCs had to be stopped from functioning in the forum titles after enigmaniacs had a little moving picture thing there. Oh well. Soon we won't even be able to use any HTML in the user pages save for simple text formatting. Maybe.

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