This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve

Hi, I know LMFP (as if that'd reccomend me)

Post 1


Hi Tilly
I'm Trillian (actually my real name's Sarah
but I don't talk about that) and I just thought I'd
introduce myself. LittleMissFordPrefect says to say Hi.
I just looked over at her computer...SACRILEGE!!!She
isn't on H2G2!!!
Trillian smiley - cool

Hi, I know LMFP (as if that'd reccomend me)

Post 2

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

smiley - biggrin Hey Tillz! smiley - silly

Hows u?
Sorry about that little introduction from Sarah/Trillian
Actually I'm not very sorry about it. It's good to know that people still know how to make friends smiley - smiley
I just say it out of habit...

Well, anyway. I saw that no-one had written to u on your space for ages and, being in the same sort of position myself, I thought I'd say hi...again!

Anyhoo, I best be getting on with my own life...
smiley - angel
smiley - devil

Hi, I know LMFP (as if that'd reccomend me)

Post 3

Tilly - back in mauve

'Allo! Haven't heard from you lately - everything's working out as they should? Hope so. It's so irritating when you'r life's like everybody else's...smiley - yawn

Sorry. I have a headache from hell. smiley - headhurts When I have headaches from hell I ususally rant. smiley - silly (La la la...) Note; when I have a headache, why do I immediately run for the computer to stare at the screen for hours? smiley - huh

Hi, I know LMFP (as if that'd reccomend me)

Post 4

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

smiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrin (to annoy the press>

I've just come back from holiday and am in an exceedingly good mood smiley - silly
That's my excuse for not writing back sooner. I always seem to have to apologise for something...
*Re* Your condition of running to a computer when experiencing a headache: ? I do it all the time. I always have a headache.
Sometimes my life is hell
Sometimes my life is just so full of great stuff that it doesn't all fit in my head. Maybe I should invest in another one...
Sometimes I am drunk

I am in a very HHGTTG mood just now

!Who isn't?


smiley - angel
smiley - devil

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