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Bowling for the first time!!!

Post 1

Researcher Ford

Well I went bowling today for the first time.

I felt a little funny throwing the ball into the gutter, but i couldn't expect much (cuz it was my first time)

The ball was a little heavy, and all I could remember was the movie "King Pin". I threw my first ball and off into the gutter

My friend went next, he gave me a couple tips
He kept knocking sooo many pins, and I still had zero on the score board

But then finally it clicked, finally i was able to knock about (digging back trying to remember) 4 pins

~what a relief~ smiley - smiley finally I didn't have zero anymore

after that, i think my next two turns were gutter balls too, but I still was happy that i had knocked those four pins.

After that, I almost had a strike a few times... and I felt that I was in the game.

My friend ofcourse knocked all of his pins almost every time

But I was happy

YaY!!!! I went bowling for the first time!!!! smiley - cheers

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Bowling for the first time!!!

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