This is the Message Centre for Peta
Whew, made it over!
Whisky Posted Oct 17, 2011
You now realise that after all those years of having to behave yourself because you were a BBC employee on a BBC owned site, you're now free to be as badly behaved as you want!
Time for payback?
Whew, made it over!
Vip Posted Oct 19, 2011
I'm not involved, but I can hear the screams from over here...
Ah well, we'll get through it.
Lovely to see you two back (and Whisky, but I've seen him more recently.).
Whew, made it over!
pamelamaesteg Posted Oct 25, 2011
I've just rejoined. No plans yet for any new articles ,but will think about it.
Whew, made it over!
Bruce Posted Nov 13, 2011
Just passing - it's Pastey's fault letting me back in.
Whew, made it over!
Pastey Posted Nov 17, 2011
Yeah yeah, blame me...
Ulterior motives and all that though... fancy coming back to the Gurus? Or rather, fancy joining the All New And Improved Gurus?
Whew, made it over!
Bruce Posted Nov 17, 2011
I can't even remember the smiley codes so I'm not sure what help I'd be.
Probably no, but email me any details.
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Whew, made it over!
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