This is the Message Centre for Peta

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 1


The BBC website, previously referred to in conjunction with BBC interactive television applications as ‘BBCi’, officially becomes ‘’ on Thursday 6 May - from 2.30pm.

This is a phased roll-out. After the change of name on 6 May and the new home page design on 17 May, website pages will be gradually updated over the course of the year.

From Monday 17 May the BBC homepage will also have a new design, incorporating the new name and logo, which will make it simpler and easier to use. will also be the reference name for all content delivered via the web – e.g. via mobile phone or PDA.

The term BBCi and the BBCi logo will be kept, but from 6 May will refer to interactive television only (both 24/7 and eTV programming).

We have decided to make the BBC’s web and interactive TV operations two distinct entities. BBCi will continue to be the name for the BBC’s activities on interactive TV. The website will be referred to as

Why are we doing this?

While the name BBCi is becoming closely associated with interactive TV, it has had less cut-through with web users. People naturally refer to and it made sense to adopt that name. The BBC has a role to play in getting people online and making the web a safe and enjoyable experience for them. Renaming the website and simplifying the design of the home page to make it easier to navigate will help with this aim.

So welcome to! smiley - smiley

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 2


Cue Ancient Brit...

smiley - winkeye

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 3


smiley - applause

smiley - biggrin

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 4


Obviously any content that mentions 'BBCi' on DNA sites will be failed for breaking House Rules after 2.30. smiley - devil

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 5

Martin Belam

Does that include your post announcing the rule Mina smiley - winkeye

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 6

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

*goes off to rewrite emergency 'standard' ACE message. smiley - smileysmiley - cake

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 7


And what about the BBCi Testers! smiley - yikes

They're always changing things....

*Goes off mumbling*

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 8

Zak T Duck

*Updates CV*

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 9


smiley - erm Think I should put something on my CV about h2g2?

"Experienced BBC Staff Worrier" perhaps smiley - winkeye

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 10

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

"The BBC's official Consultant retro-phrenologist" with citations in the international media smiley - biggrin

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 11

Martin Belam

We prefer the term "Staff-Botherer" arf!

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 12


We prefer the term 'staff-bringer-of-cuppas'. smiley - coffeesmiley - teasmiley - stiffdrink

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 13


And cupcakes... smiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcake

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 14


smiley - erm

**posting from spare PC in a smoke-filled office**

Excuse me ladies... Could someone let me know the e-mail address to make a claim against the BBC for damaged computer equipment...

As requested I just sent you both smiley - tea and smiley - cupcake... And now my Scanner's full of crumbs and the base unit of my computer obviously didn't appreciate two cups of tea being poured into the floppy drive.

smiley - blush

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 15

Zak T Duck

*Flicks through the T&C to see if there is a clause on random acts of stupidity smiley - winkeye*

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 16


Random?... But I'm always like this!

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 17

Zak T Duck

In which case, a clause on supidity and/or acts of Whisky smiley - winkeye

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 18


Acts of Whisky?

In keeping with my god-like status I presume?

Or is it just I'm always drunk? smiley - drunk

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 19

Zak T Duck

God like status every time smiley - smiley

Renaming BBCi - Starts today!

Post 20


I appreciate the thought Whisky, but maybe you could pop yourself on a flight, and deliver them in person? We'll get smiley - cake in for you. smiley - biggrin

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