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Tron - and I thought *you* guys were weird... ;-)

Post 1


My colleague Neil has just sent this link around :

This 'very interesting' man has made himself a Tron costume, and give full instructions for anyone else wishing to construct a similar garment. smiley - silly He's included some very snazzy pictures of himself wearing it too. Girls, consider averting your delicate eyes from his nether regions, it's a *little* closely tailored. And I do think the fairy lights add that *extra* dimension to it.

Fancy dress at the Summer meet up anyone? smiley - winkeye

Tron - and I thought *you* guys were weird... ;-)

Post 2


smiley - rofl Oh my!!

Thanks for the warning about the spandex covered nether regions. The lights look lovely. But it's such a problem knowing how to attach the Frisbee, don't you think?
smiley - bluefish

Tron - and I thought *you* guys were weird... ;-)

Post 3

Jimi X

smiley - yikes

I don't want to ask why or how you found that site...

smiley - run

Tron - and I thought *you* guys were weird... ;-)

Post 4


Behave yourselfs!

Don't make fun of the guy... we all make some... *ahem*... choices.


smiley - blacksheep

Tron - and I thought *you* guys were weird... ;-)

Post 5


If ever there was a man who was not fundamentally designed to wear spandex, or lycra, or whatever that was, it's him. smiley - ill

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Tron - and I thought *you* guys were weird... ;-)

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