This is the Message Centre for Peta

Get Writing on BBC Homepage Now! And watch them stream in!

Post 1


Get Writing are on the BBC homepage at the moment

"Get writing with Hustle

Inspired to write by last night's drama featuring Robert Vaughn? Then the Get Writing website has a competition for you.

More about the competition
Visit the Get Writing website
Help on presenting your entry
Writing for TV, radio and film
Visit the Hustle website"

I can see from the newusers page that Get Writing has new Writers/members streaming into the site, they're coming in at around one new member every 25 seconds. Wow!

Great idea for a link up though, it really fits with the BBC Brand. Educational, Entertaining.

Nice one! I'm pleased to see its working so well. smiley - biggrin

Get Writing on BBC Homepage Now! And watch them stream in!

Post 2

Zak T Duck

smiley - wow

Get Writing on BBC Homepage Now! And watch them stream in!

Post 3


h2g2 is on there as well - although in a very small section on the bottom! Two DNA sites at the same time! smiley - bubbly

Get Writing on BBC Homepage Now! And watch them stream in!

Post 4

Demon Drawer

Don't realy like hustle. Shame they didn't use my Cantebury Tale. smiley - sadface

Get Writing on BBC Homepage Now! And watch them stream in!

Post 5


I have no idea if it's good. My TV blew up last night. smiley - sadface

So I'm stuck with reading, conversations and sex.

What a drag... smiley - winkeye

Get Writing on BBC Homepage Now! And watch them stream in!

Post 6

Demon Drawer

I could lend you a tent pole.

If it is that much of a drag!!!! smiley - winkeye

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