This is the Message Centre for Peta

Sub-editor Peta

Post 1


Posted on the front page today! So now we can talk about it. I have been enjoying it so far and it looks like it is going to get better as we go along. The only thing we have to do is make sure we spell correctly now! Mark is an absolute slave driver. He won't let us sleep or see our friends any more. And we are fun on crumbs....smiley - winkeye

Sub-editor Peta

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Ha! As if we ever used to sleep before... smiley - smiley

I'm glad it's out now, though - I thought you were going to burst!

*Walks out, whistling contentedly...*

Sub-editor Peta

Post 3


*whistles and strolls out the door* But it's fun *bursts*

Sub-editor Peta

Post 4


Well you can at least clear that up smiley - winkeye

Sub-editor Peta

Post 5


Brings out the mop .....

Sub-editor Peta

Post 6


And I thought it was a game...*teh do.. teh do... teh doo teh doo....*

Sub-editor Peta

Post 7

The Dancing Tree

I guess your capacity to clean that up will depend on just how much of you burst.

Sub-editor Peta

Post 8


Oh all of me definitely. I'm over the walls, the ceiling........

Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 9


Just thought I drop in a bribe, errrr contribution to help you poor overworked subbies.

Bruce's juke joint now features an ever expanding list of music files on the pull down list, or for the sub-editor too busy to choose, just wave you mouse over the dancing baby & allow him to make a selection. Be warned though, sometimes his taste is in his nappy.


Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 10


What's this? Poop music? La la poop music.. just the way I like it

Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 11


Yes, as invented by Top 40 radio.


Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 12


I am out of here tomorrow bruce - on holiday speak to you soon, keep the site warm for me!!

Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 13


Have fun - I'll start checking the mailbox for my card 1st thing Monday


Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 14


Got it yet?

Music to Sub-Edit by

Post 15



;^(# the sulker

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