A Conversation for The Funny Side of Bananas

Greetings, New Researcher!

Post 1

Yael Smith

Hi! I'm Elly, Muse of care and Guardian Angel of the Wrong Foot. My job here's to help New Researchers, in whatever they need (if at all).
Just click on my title to get to my page, if you need any ideas for yours.
Cheerssmiley - bubbly and welcome!
smiley - angel Elly

Greetings, New Researcher!

Post 2

Pandora (Trouble Goddess Extraordinaire)

greetings, o ye who hath taken my second choice of name! I am intrigued by your bananas and ants....if you see elly again, please ask her where she got the bubbly and angel from, I like them! I am eagerly anticipating the production of more profundity from thy stimulated gray matter...

Greetings, New Researcher!

Post 3

Yael Smith

I AM Elly!smiley - erm
If you are after Smileys, click on one and see where you'll end up in...
My ants are small and black, and my Bananas are yellow and sweet...
More?smiley - biggrin

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