A Conversation for Cockney Rhyming Slang

Tut Tut. Know your slang

Post 1


I was strolling down the plate, talking on me dog and not watching where I put my plates and before I knew it I'd stood on a william.

You don't talk on the dog and bone do you. You talk on the dog. That's the whole point. You go out for a Jimmy.. etc. Get it right in the article!!

Tut Tut. Know your slang

Post 2


Having said that brown bread - dead would you just say brown? You would say whole thing wouldn't you? Also Jam jar - car. So maybe it varies..

Here's a few more for the pot........
take a butchers at the boat on her.... (hook) (race)
going down the frog (& Toad)
Trouble and strife = wife, is a great one
Whistle and flute = suit
Oily rag = fag (which brings up another kettle of fish entirely, as it is fag as in give me a fag mate!)
He pens a bit. pen and ink.
Stop telling porkies.....pork pies.....
She rabbits on a bit.... rabbit and pork ....
Tit for tat is hat = but you say it, has anyone seen my Titfer......

He went steaming ahead and did it - when someone does something stupid, comes from steam tug = mug = fool
Round the houses - trousers gives a great feel for how you are supposed to pronounce things....

Tut Tut. Know your slang

Post 3

Gag Halfrunt

You are all stoke-on-trent (bent)

Tut Tut. Know your slang

Post 4

Global Village Idiot

If you're brewing a pot, I'll have a rosie lee (tea)

Tut Tut. Know your slang

Post 5


Don't worry, it was all invented in the seventies for TV series and the Viz comic.


Tut Tut. Know your slang

Post 6


'fraid I read Viz in the 70s (and 80s). Bloody hell life before Viz....

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