This is the Message Centre for thisissarah3842

thisissarah3842! Welcome!

Post 1

Ming Mang

Heya Sarah!! smiley - smiley
You're doing all the A-Levels I want to! How difficult is it?

I'm an ACE, which basically means I've volunteered for the 'official' job of meeting and greeting newcomers to the guide - a 'welcome mat' as someone said. smiley - smiley I think they were being sarcastic when they did say it, but it's a fair description I guess. Except that not all of us are flat and hairy... smiley - winkeye
If you have any questions at all, then you can drop by my page (just click on my name) and ask, or go and ask all the ACEs at their homepage and they will do their utmost best to help you. smiley - biggrin Cos we're friendly people. smiley - winkeye
And just in case it is a while before you get back and read this don't worry, I'm going to sit here eating endless smiley - donuts and smiley - cupcakes until you return, so there's no hurry, I'm very fond of smiley - donuts. Please do feel free to have one (or more) as well! smiley - smiley

Hope you enjoy h2g2!


thisissarah3842! Welcome!

Post 2


Hi Ming Mang!

Thanks for popping by to welcome me.

About the A-levels...I really didn't think they were too bad until a few weeks ago. I've got my final lot of exams coming up (i've done modular) and I'm terrified! I'd say Further Maths is the worst (if i understand something we do in class I...oh, wait, no that's never happened!). I enjoy all of them though which is what's important...don't for a minute think it's going to be easy!

Chemistry- the main problem is there's soooooooo much to remember.
Physics - ain't too bad actually
Maths - is okay...doing further makes the normal maths easier
Further Maths - Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyhoo, just pick the subjects you like best so even if you are having a tough time at least its worthwhile.

Thanks again and I hope you do great in your exams! (you'll be doing G.C.S.E.s soon right??)

Lots of love, Sarah.

thisissarah3842! Welcome!

Post 3

Ming Mang

That's OK! smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin

Hey, cool!! You're doing the subjects I'm going to!! smiley - smiley (Yes, I'm about to start my GCSE exams... eek!)
Well, I'm only doing Chemistry to an AS-thingy. And I'm doing an RE AS-thingy as well... too much, way too much... and I haven't started yet. Eek!
The best of luck to you! smiley - smiley I'm sure you'll be fine. smiley - smiley

What do you want to do after A-Levels?


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