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Post 1


Just got back from buying a load of baby clothes to send to my niece in Texas.Had to get some winnie the pooh sleep suits, they were soo cutesmiley - blush and as she is expecting a girl..the obligatory cotton frilly dress with matching hat.smiley - laugh plus some bibs ,vests, and socks.I got some second size as babies grow so quickly.smiley - ok.Yes I know this is why I am always skint but she is my only neice and lived with me for a while.
I had to get them now even though baby not due until the end of the year as it's so hot where she lives, I needed summer weight clothes.The autumn stuff is already on the shelves and would be too hot for the little mite.smiley - puff. I did enjoy looking at the baby stuff though...glad I am too old to have any more thoughsmiley - biggrin
I had to pop into next door neighbours last night as Dad was alone with toddler and he hadn't stopped screaming for an hour(toddler not dadsmiley - laugh) so I went and rescued him. Kids always shut up when I am around...smiley - monster.Toddler decided he would be quiet and watch TV until mum got homesmiley - evilgrin Dad very gratefulsmiley - laugh.Poor man looked absolutely passed himself.Little one has been keeping them awake at night etc. he's just at that age.Made some helpful suggestions,though not sure if it would help.Was quieter last night though..we didn't hear him. It must have been when I threathened to take him to the cats home and swop him for a catsmiley - angelsmiley - laugh
Talking of hot..the sun is outsmiley - cool and I am a bit warm myself now as was dressed for rain.
I had to buy a new mug..I broke my nice smiley - cat face mug againsmiley - cry It had a big chip out of it this morning.So bought a really tough looking plain purple's no use having china if it keeps breaking..earthenware it is from now onsmiley - cross
Well better go do all the stuff I didn't do this morning because I was out shoppingsmiley - run
smiley - hug to all. have a good daysmiley - ok


Post 2


Hey, have a good day yourself Tabs. smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

smiley - cat


Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you have been busy not forget to put your feet up...carpe diem!


Post 4

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

As far as i know t and thats me.heres only one kid that you havent shut up yet


Post 5

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

Get some rest,girl!!smiley - laughsmiley - laughGood to see you in fine spirits,talk soonsmiley - hug


Post 6

Yael Smith

Tabssmiley - hug
Baby clothes shopping is fun, and you always end up buying loads more than they need.


Post 7


Hi Ellysmiley - hug I bought second and third sizes rather than newborn as they grow so quickly as you say, they don't get to wear half the things.It was fun thoughsmiley - ok

Hiya MSsmiley - smooch hope you are ok.I'll catch up with you one of these days.

Hellooooo Mega....How's my young man? I see you are still as cheeky as eversmiley - laugh good for you..go for itsmiley - ok

smiley - hug for Pheloxi and ST

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