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early cat

Post 1


Oedipussmiley - cat woke me at 5.30am smiley - yawn I let him out and went back to bed.
6am hesmiley - cat knocked over the baskets in my room spilling the contents and then sat on my head until I gave in and got up to feed him smiley - erm
Then he went back to bedsmiley - yikes. He has been very frail of late and I will be surprised if he makes it until christmas smiley - cry but we have tried to make things as comfortable as possible for him...I even made him catty steps up to my bed as it's a struggle for him to jumpsmiley - laugh with a pile of baskets.Yes the same ones he knocked down to get me upsmiley - erm
So here I am two coffeessmiley - coffee , one shower and one croissant later ...sighsmiley - yawn
Baggins smiley - cat is about....because I put some scraps out for the birds and they are tweeting away and fighting on the lawn for them. Baggins smiley - cat is sitting in the sun watching them from the terrace.smiley - yikes He knows he'll be in trouble if he catches them but can't resist stalking them.
We have a large frog in the gardensmiley - ok...luckily, he hasn't spotted that yet...Bagginssmiley - cat likes frogs..sigh...he bounces after them and has a tendency to accidentally squash them in the process and then can't understand why they don't move anymore.
Things have been quite difficult lately so I've not been around...I know misery likes company but I felt I couldn't even share it with you guys..things were just too awful on all fronts. Anyway I am fighting back watch out worldsmiley - ok
smiley - hug to all on this lovely Sunday morning, Hope everyone is well and happy ...I am enjoying the sun whilst it lasts...forecast rain later...again smiley - laugh

early cat

Post 2

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - hug for you too. Not nice to see our smiley - cat friends going downhill smiley - sadface but good to see you back smiley - smiley

Your 2 smiley - coffee probably made you feel more smiley - boing than my 2 smiley - teasmiley - biggrin Got woken up at 6.00 by a storm here smiley - yikes

early cat

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - hug thank you for cat story...from sunny the netherlands..

early cat

Post 4

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I thought my Annie would have to put sleep for a while last year, but she made an astonishing if long and slow recovery. She's doing well for 18 years. Hope your Oedipus brightens up. smiley - hug

early cat

Post 5


smiley - hug Thanks everyone. Oedipussmiley - cat is not eating as well as he does usually and yesterday I thought he'd had a stroke but he seems a bit brighter this morning and came for his breakfast. He is 18 and I've resigned myself to the fact he won't live for ever but It will be hard to lose him.He's been a good old catsmiley - rose

early cat

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cuddle

I did answer this earlier but my posting has disappeared (or not appeared) maybe I typed it then forgot to post or closed the window before it sent. Same thing happened with my Hull meet journal this morning. There's no smiley for paranoia is there?

smiley - cheerupTabssmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

early cat

Post 7


Hi Tabs, it's like having family ill isn't it. Just awful. My Kitty will be 20 in sept. she's started with rheumatics in her back legs this last 12 months or so, otherwise reasonably fit but does sleep a lot more now as well. The Loopy cat will be 13 end of July, he's just plain nuts!!smiley - biggrin

Give the smiley - cat's a smiley - cuddle from me. You take care.

smiley - cat

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