This is the Message Centre for Tabitca

update 2

Post 1


The police have taken the mail stealingsmiley - thief seriously as it is apparently a borderline arrestable offencesmiley - handcuffs and we have a crime number. We have to wait now to see what is decided by thesmiley - bluelight CIU? I think it is what used to called CID..someone here may know
So (may he rot in hell)landlord may be in for a surprise this week. I have written to the court as they may be in receipt of stolen property i.e. the letterssmiley - biro.Nessie is a bit worried previous landlord may try to get her but JK is coming to stay on Saturday for 3 weeks, so a man in the house should be a deterrent. If he, landlord, does turn up I may just accidently tripsmiley - winkeye and empty the cat tray over his headsmiley - yuk
Tommorrow is the end of term and I have 4 weeks offsmiley - magic
I am so tired and so fed up of having this bad cold.smiley - sadfaceI've really stuggled to get into work these last few days. Hopefully the time away from work should help get rid of it.smiley - ok
JK smiley - smoochsays he is going to make me rest for a couple of days and not let me do anything....I am not good at being a patientsmiley - laugh it may not be easy for me to sit and do nothing.smiley - run
smiley - hug to all,hope everyone is having a good day

update 2

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you deserve a good brake
...landlords do not mess with my good friends...wonders if the landlord like porridge...

update 2

Post 3

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

Make the man wait on you hand and foot,and smiley - evilgrin I hope all else goes well,and good luck pursuing(sic)your case.Take care until we talk next.smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

update 2

Post 4

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

*puts poison in the landlords porridge*

HE wwas reading you letters!!!!

update 2

Post 5

I'm not really here

I didn't think it was a borderline arrestable offence, I thought it was definitely an arrestable offence! It's the 'Royal' Mail, after all. And in these days of identity theft I would have thought they take it extremely seriously.

update 2

Post 6

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

not only is it arestable if they are inportatnt bank letter he could have his accounts marked as a possibal faraudster tha makes life diffacult.

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