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I always thought...

Post 1


that when you had a significant other in your life ,that you were there for each othersmiley - hug
It appears notsmiley - sadface The other is only there weekdays when they are not out drinking with mates and definitely not weekends when they are out drinking etc.
Maybe I am old fashioned or maybe I have unrealistic expectations..I don't knowsmiley - ermMaybe someone here can tell me?
On top of this I have a stinking cold and got sent home from work early yesterday
and I got up this morning and found my watch had stopped....maybe this is a me the watch is old and worn out...maybe it is time for me to expire.smiley - ghost
smiley - hug Have a good weekend everyone and make sure you don't catch my cold.

I always thought...

Post 2

I'm not really here

SOs are *supposed* to be there for each other. My last one wasn't and as he just came out with it and said he couldn't be there for me for such events as the impending death of my dog and then an operation it was the final nail in the coffin and he had to go. Took me a few weeks to be strong enough to leave but I'm glad I walked away sooner rather than later. He is now apparently 'sorry the relationship ended', well, that's just bad luck for him.

Sorry, didn't mean to go on about my life, but if you want someone to be there for you, and your current one is not, then it's only fair to yourself to give yourself a chance to find someone who will be there for you.

I always thought...

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you never expire, because you made an impression on my being.

my advice is give (annoying) people a second chance if they mess up acain, then only if they showed some prospects keep them otherwise make they are presence a lesson to forget them.

you are always worth to be with. annoying people should know that!

example from my chatting years I had few times ladies asking for my picture without talking to me. their reaction was "you are not my type". "your loss" was my reaction. all those ladies are just one memory I see as ballon airhead.

I always thought...

Post 4


significant others are strange creatures. It's particularly hard when you're both conducting the relationship as a distance one. For instance, if you're upset, you turn to the person who you reall want - your SO, but that doesn't mean they'll be there just because it's hard to contact them. If you were in the same city, then you'd just go over to their house and all that. Arrange to meet up regularly.

All I'm saying is from my experience, lng distance relationships don't seem to work in the same way as relationships held in the same city. At the same time, both of you have to be there for each other or it's not much of a relationsihp!

I always thought...

Post 5


Thanks for the advice smiley - hug everyone. I've given him loads of chances and tried to be understanding but because I am not wellsmiley - ill and my life is crap right now..I don't think I can put up with it much longer.
Despite feeling lousy I've striped the beds, changed the towels and bathmats, hung the washing out (done 3 loads) brought it back in again,put a curry to cook in the slow cooker, and spent two hours with nessie's help ,sorting out the stuff we have to send to court for our case against the previous(may he rot in hell for what he has put us through) landlord, and now i feel even worsesmiley - laugh I was up at 6am to feed the catssmiley - cat,it's hard to sleep when you are all bunged up and can't breathe.
still I have good friends here and I appreciate you allsmiley - smooch
One of these days I may have some good news to reportsmiley - ok

I always thought...

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodluck

it is the year of the golden pig. that is very good. so it it good time to start believe in Chinese horoscope.

I always thought...

Post 7


You sound worn out Tabs. Get some rest. smiley - cuddle

Seems to be the time of feeling miserable for one's self!

I always thought...

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm with Mina, give him a kick in the a$$. My bhusband was never there for me - but we were (are) married, and there were small children, so I stayed with him. I have learned to do things alone now, and I have lost any interest in common activities.

I always thought...

Post 9

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

(seirosly dont mean to offend here so if i do sorry)
ive never usderstood the staying together for the kinds thing i mean really whats better for the kids living with two unhally people who dont really like echother and can be cival (in the good cases) or hate eachother and cant stand to be in the same room as one anther in the bad. or having tow happyer people who are at differant addresses surly the later is better.

and ont the people not being their for you its a joke they are eather there or out of the picture yes long differance relationships work in a differant way but that is no excuse you can still call or chat online hell if its really bad traines arnt overly expensive these days so their is no excuse for pissing about when you are needed

I always thought...

Post 10


smiley - ermsmiley - spacesorry to hear things are'nt going too well Tabs.
Hardly a SO if not there to support through good and bad times,
Hope things start to improve soon. smiley - hug

smiley - cat

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