This is the Message Centre for Tabitca

nothing much

Post 1


to say really. I've had flu and had to take a day off work..the result is I'm feeling really tiredsmiley - zzz and tearfulsmiley - cry....Things are hectic at work.The students are cool thoughsmiley - cool.
Still trying to get the landlord to court to get our deposit back..he keeps coming up with daft letters to the court to delay thingssmiley - grr....he even forged some which we pointed out to the court(One person who supposedly wrote one of the letters is deadsmiley - ghost). the result of this is I am now being taken to court for not paying my council tax...which had I got my deposit back I would have had the moneysmiley - 2cents to pay.So I am trying to pay as much as I can..the result being I don't know if I will be able to to afford my bus fares to work for the rest of the month....which means I'll have to borrow money againsmiley - headhurts .I am really fed up.smiley - sadface
And Jk and I?smiley - love what can I say...he's coming up to visit again before Easter but I have no idea where things are going.I guess I am just a part time partner.He likes his single life...well he is younger than me.
Oedipussmiley - cat is very frail and I worry each day may be the downward slope but all I can do is love him and make sure when the time comes he is not in any pain. Bagginssmiley - cat continues to be plump and in mischiefsmiley - devil.He is 12 this year but doesn't seem to be any different.
so my not much to say turned into a lotsmiley - laugh
I miss everyone.I will try and get back as much as I can.
smiley - hug to everyone. Have a good weekend what is left of it.

nothing much

Post 2


smiley - cuddle

nothing much

Post 3


smiley - hug hey kit. how are you?

nothing much

Post 4


i'm doing better than you....Just trying to sort myself out for the next few weeks (but am sooo lazy).

The usual really. Lots of stuff going on in my head and trying to figure things out. Getting a bit fraustrated with life. A little depressed about how time flies and how my life right now is nowhere near how I imagined it whilst growing up, and won't be anything like my childish dreams smiley - sadface

But oh well. We learn to adapt our dreams I guess. I'm just an impatient creature to be honest. I want things now. I want people to do things now. And its a little fraustrating when I discover that I have to wait a few years for things to happen and not even sure if things will happen...

This is a very cryptic post...Apologies!

nothing much

Post 5


no I know sometimes it's difficult to reconcile RL with what you had hoped.Life has a way of puncturing those little dream balloons. My dreams have all long since gone.Sadly I don't have any new ones to replace them at the moment...but there is still time.
You should decide on what you want and go for it.You may change your mind on the way but that's allowed. You have a brave heart'll get there and find what you wantsmiley - hug

nothing much

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - hug and better times!

miss you!

nothing much

Post 7


I miss you too old friendsmiley - hugsmiley - smooch I have to go but will try and get back on hootoo this evening. Take caresmiley - rose I often think about you and hope you are oksmiley - ok

nothing much

Post 8


Thanks smiley - smiley

We'll see eh. I'm just too darn impatient. oh well.

Maybe talk to you later.

nothing much

Post 9

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Sometimes a hammer can be useful, m'dear! smiley - winkeye

nothing much

Post 10

I'm not really here

Being a part time partner must be hard. Especially when you have pets who aren't very well.

We all need someone to love, and to love us, but also we need people who are *there*, to help out when times are hard.

I hope your cat is doing ok. smiley - hug

nothing much

Post 11

Yael Smith

I know a bit of how you feel, Tabs. But part time partner isn't usually a lasting position, unless both sides want it to be so... which can be bad, but also good.
And I know how Kit is feeling, being an impatient creature myself.

smiley - hug

nothing much

Post 12

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

So sorry to hear about your are having a really bad time of things.Hope that you are able to secure your neededsmiley - 2centsand that Oedipus is going to be all right.smiley - cat I also hope that the relationship somehow works wellsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochMy best wishes to you and Nessie.Take care,Tabssmiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

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