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things that have happened so far this week

Post 1


I came to work on find no door on the gents toilets and no seats in the ladies toiletssmiley - yikes ..the rugby club obviously won took the cleaners two days to clean up.....the culprits were not repentant... and to be honest I had trouble keeping the "look angry "face on smiley - laugh
Tuesday..goes in the IT suite..the students have attached their playstation to the interactive white board and are playing on..cos it makes a great TV screen. I had confiscated the lead last week..all to no avail. Tell them the principal smiley - monsterwill eat them alive if he catches them on his new toy...sigh
Wednesday.....skated to the bus stop on the black icesmiley - somersaultAt work I need a revolving door as it has never shut for more than 5 seconds today.Taught a chinese student about english tenses whilst eating my lunch...not recommended Plus she calls me Linseed..those who know my real name will find it very funny.smiley - rofl
Thursday...6.30am bagginssmiley - cat throws up on the arm of the settee and it drips on oedipussmiley - cat . The resulting chaos almost made me miss the bus to work... sigh....smiley - laugh
Ok so what will Friday bring?...
smiley - hug to all. Hope you are all having a good week.

things that have happened so far this week

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

leaves a smiley - rosesmiley - goodluck and meows 12 times.

things that have happened so far this week

Post 3

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

smiley - rofl My,but we have been busy!!smiley - biggrinI do hope that the chaos quiets down to a dull roar and that you keep your precious sense of need it. Hope to speak sometime soon.smiley - goodluck and a smiley - towel to clean up the smiley - cat damage. smiley - hug

things that have happened so far this week

Post 4


Linseed smiley - laugh
That's lovely.

Give those smiley - cats a tickle from me

things that have happened so far this week

Post 5

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I just wanna know what happened on Friday...smiley - bigeyes

things that have happened so far this week

Post 6


Friday was Chaos with a capital Ksmiley - laugh the boss and I were shell shocked by 6pm and she gave me a lift home.....I am soo tired this morningsmiley - yawn good thing I am at home. I should have brought some work home but decided I needed a break. I remember I started to eat an apple a lunchtime and by the time I got back to it , it was all brownsmiley - yuk so went out for the birds.At one point my boss rang me and said I've put the kettle on ..lets try and get a smiley - coffee whilst we can....needless to say we drank it whilst workingsmiley - laugh
The principal is away at a meeting for a few days...hence our having to do everything....I even remembered where the spare glasses were when the student bar staff couldn't find them....I am too good for this jobsmiley - rofl but I am going to see personnel about a pay rise I think.
I just love it though...I love the students even the ones that drive me to bang my head on the wall.smiley - ok

things that have happened so far this week

Post 7

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - wow the students gave a new hobby not do it too often...your head might be flat as pancake.

things that have happened so far this week

Post 8


Glad you're enjoying the job - but don't let them wear you out completely smiley - hug

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