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Post 1


Oedipussmiley - cat struggled upstairs at 7.30am this wake me up for his breakfastsmiley - ok he ate some breakfast and then curled up and went back to sleep.smiley - zzz
It's the first time he has done that since we moved in. I think he is feeling bettersmiley - magic It's certainly the most lively he has been for days. He's still limping a bit and a bit wobbly but otherwise he's my old lad back to normal again.smiley - hug
smiley - discosmiley - starsmiley - cool
Fingers crossed the improvement continuessmiley - smooch


Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

That's wonderful news smiley - magic


Post 3


Do you think the old boy could be winding you up a bit, Tabs?

He's a darling smiley - cat - give him another tickle under the chin from me.


Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It's so good to hear that, Tabs smiley - magic


Post 5

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

yeah! for the cat's will to life!

Tabitca, you must be good to your cats wanna stay with you! smiley - winkeye


Post 6


smiley - biggrin

That cat has obviously more lives to live smiley - winkeye

Give him a kiss from me!


Post 7


smiley - spacesmiley - cuddlesmiley - spacefor smiley - spacesmiley - catsmiley - spacesmiley - cuddlesmiley - spacefor Tabs.smiley - spacesmiley - rose


Post 8


aww thanks everyonesmiley - hug he did have an abcess on his chest again(as those who remember from when we were in scotland he got one on his lung which nearly killed him), but it burst of it's own accord and he's pulled around. With his age though he wasn't expected he would recover this time.
He's a bit limpy and wobbly but he's been out to look at his garden from the terrace and is now dozing on the stairs as he can see everything from there. I am going to cook a bit of turkey for his tea(and bagginssmiley - cat tea,can't leave him out)
I think he'll make it to christmas at leastsmiley - ok


Post 9


*crosses fingers*


Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - ok


Post 11

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

Good to hear a bit of good news about the good old soldiersmiley - cat Hope he sticks around a good long while.smiley - oksmiley - smiley

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