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late delivery

Post 1


The tesco man was late delivering...he usually comes around 10am. he didn't get here until 11.55am,by which time Bagginssmiley - cat was beside himself..he wanted his treat!
apparently he had the old crappy van...he gave up trying to reverse and just stopped in the middle of the road and just unloaded.
bagginssmiley - cat was dancing around the bags of shoppingsmiley - laugh in the end I found his treat and gave him some so I could unpack the rest of the shopping.
Then Oedipussmiley - cat appeared wanting his treatsmiley - laugh it took me a long time to unpack the shopping....
The blue baskets are back in next doors garden...full of weeds and left in the middle of the lawn....They were both around at lunchtime so she can't have killed him the other night smiley - laugh when the strange noises could be heard above the head phones.
hmm think it's time for smiley - coffee anyone want one?
smiley - hug to all hope you are having a good day.

late delivery

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch So you got treats for the cats with the grocery shopping... get any treats for yourself? smiley - biggrin I'd love a coffee (despite having had about eight cups so far today) smiley - blush Today is going to go a bit better now after I just figured out and rectified the audio problem smiley - magicsmiley - geek damn skype chaning over the 'selected' 'input' device on the soundcard, so my mixer and the bass guitar running through the mixer wasn't recording smiley - doh now its fixed I can go back and get the recording done smiley - magicsmiley - boing

late delivery

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

a smiley - tea, please.

hope the smiley - cats enjoyed the treats

...dancing smiley - cat sounds like solo smiley - cat fight smiley - winkeye

late delivery

Post 4


Hi guyssmiley - hug i got some smiley - choc and i've eaten a bit...strange thing is I normally lovesmiley - choc but I seem to be a bit off it...must be the warm weather. daughter will eat itsmiley - ok

late delivery

Post 5

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - yikes possion your daughter instead smiley - winkeye

late delivery

Post 6


The smiley - choc is fine's me that's offsmiley - laugh

late delivery

Post 7

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

after typed it I reread again I saw misread it.

smiley - silly pheloxi

late delivery

Post 8


you can mis-read me anytime Pheloxi smiley - hug

late delivery

Post 9

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - blush

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