This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Oct 5, 2019
For two days... those being today, and tomorrow somehow got tricked into five days straight at the gym this week
Monday 45 minutes intervals on elyptical (including my new intervals; backwards on it, including backwards with calf-raises, and backwards sideways (works adductors and abductors, plus glutes) then 45 minutes upper-body weights.
Tuesday, 25 minutes intervals elyptical plus half an hour or so upper body weights.
Wednesday, one hour boot camp. all body weight exercises, which seemed to be mainly pushups of various types, squats, of various sorts, and lots of core stuff.
Thursday, 30 minutes intervals elyptical, weights for an hour.
Friday, 15 minute warmup intervals elyptical, then 45 minutes mixed weights, with PT, including squats on bosu, core stuff on bosu, pushups on bosu, cable pulls on biceps, bench press, free weights, preacher bench etc., etc.,
Ouch. I appear to have strained.... I think my lateral abs, well, something at the side, between bottom of ribs and top of the pelvic girdle
Today, - I had a lay in!!!!! - not done one of those for …. a couple years... - I still woke at 7.30, but went back to sleep, and got up at nearly 10 AM
making Algerian cous cous (vegetable), for lunch, to try this new ras al hannout (sp?) spice the guys at our local halal shop got us to buy
Dinner tonight, is night two of the massive pot of lamb and veg stew/curry I made last night
In otter news, got letter (online), from bone nurse so amazingly badly dictated/mis-spelt, and inaccurate. apparently William Is my Father and, apparently 'we disused with Mr legs'
(I think that oughta have been discussed)
in otter otter news, I'm taking melatonin again to try help with sleep and have dropped my nighttime dose of prednisolone steroids, which seems to help with sleep
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