This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...
walk, burn, pierotti fire.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Aug 8, 2018
Had a long weekend away. Friday until Monday...
We went to Norwich, and as useual when there, did an aweful lot of walking, at least 8 - 10 hours a day
Unfortunately, it was seriously hot, and sunny. - ahh, so that is why people are ment to use sunblock/cream?; I got a loverly slight sunburn, exactly outlining the straps, and open back/dip front on the T-dress I was wearing a lot of the weekend - plus on my forehead
most seemed to get my back, and shoulders
met up with a couple of old friends whilst there, both I've known since school, one, I think, probably before school, as she lived on our road, when we were kids
Visited a lot of pub whilst there... - well it was hot
It was in one such pub, by pure chance, Sunday afternoon, we walked (mainly to use the loo, and to get a drink for hydration purposes ).
and... Pierotti! he was there.... almost the same as he was 20 years ago, when last I heard/saw him, in a pub in Lowestoft
Best of all; he's got no better at all... still just as terrible, with the singing, and, just as amazing, due to the effort he puts into his act, - the fact it falls so short of being any good, is entirely made up for by the entheusiasm and energy he puts into singing, and dancing about, and, the mnore and more the audience, pay him zero attention... the more effort he puts in... fabulous
Today and yesterday caught up with gym, yesterday was with personal trainer, and today, just William and me; though personal trainer, was there today too, as it happened, and so chatted to him, whilst I did weights...
Got home, today, and then this afternoon, there was a fire in the (currently closed) Chinese takeaway, underneath our house
first we knew was when the firemen knocked on the door, wanting to come in, to use their heat camra gizmo, to look for any pockets of heat, that might be lurking under our floors... - there were none
I've a suspicion that it might be a set-up job by the takeaway; it closed recently as was making no money, - last week or so a notice up in window. 'opening soon', and 'staff wanted' appeared... but little was happening inside... - an insurance job?
sadly I wasn't permitted to perve too much over the firemen
In otter news, turns out my old gym trainers were utterly knackered... the new ones are great - and, the old ones, which I wore this weekend away, did in my left leg
- think I was walking oddly for most the weekend, on that foot
- so they can go for the bin, and I'll get a second new pair of (cheaper) trainers, to go with the new gym pair, but for everyday use
Not much else new I can think of..... oh, have a cardiac MRI scan, a week today, and an endocrine app on that Friday too
back at gym tomorrow, for an extra session with the personal trainer... - well I'm to do an hour first, cardio/weight mix, then do some extra with the PT after I've done 30 mins cardio, and 30 - 45 mins weights....
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walk, burn, pierotti fire.
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