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Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

so so quiet.... not been here much, or, at least when I have, I'e not remained long, and just seen nothing much being about, and gone off again... smiley - alienfrown
Just been doing gym really.
good session this morning... I've had to raise the weight on a couple of machines, as the 21 KG just wasn't registering, so now I use 28 KG on the lat pull down, seated row, and abdominal crunch machines; at 21 KG I was just sitting there doing the abdominal crunchs, not feeling anything, and getting to 150 or 200 reps, and being so bored, yet not feeling any exertion from having done it smiley - alienfrown
so today did 4.5 KM on the bike, then did 2 X 30 lat pull downs, 2 X 30 seated row, and 3 X 30 abdominal crunch.
Then did four sets of my 'big set' on the weights, in the squat rack; 20 squats, straight into 20 reps bar raise/push, then into 20 reverse grip bicep curls, then drop the bar to the side bits, and do 20 shoulder shrugs, close in, then 20 more holding the bar further from the back, then I turn back round, do 20 ordinary curls, and 20 deadlifts, - adding in a upright row at the top of each dead lift. - finishing the set with another set of squats, lifts, reverse grap bicep curls...
did four of those sets, by which time I was absolutely soaked in sweat smiley - blush
So I went to the preacher bench, anhd did bicep curls with a 10 KG dungbell until muscle failure on each arm about 20 reps on each smiley - puff

walked home via Turkey and got apples, corrianda, and... actually I think that was all we got today.

todays dinner was day two of the latest slow cookerness.... - I'd cooked up (fried) diced lamb, onions, garlic, spices, plus potato, carrot, garlic, herbs, etc, and left that overnight in the fridge, and then slow cooked th elot, along with some borlotti beans, on yesterday morning, for twelve hours smiley - drool 0- even so it tasted even better, a day old today... - 400 KCal per portion smiley - magic -- so just over 500 with rice or as we had tonight, bulghur smiley - zen

had turkey sausages stir fried with leftover rice, onjion and herbs, for lunch today smiley - magic
was at a beer festavil at one of our local pubs last night, for an hour or so, an during the day yesterday we went to a local winter fair, just a street one, where they close the road for the day, mainly for all the local bisunesses to do stuff... smiley - zen guess it'll be time to think about Christmas shopping soon smiley - yikes

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