This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - sadfacesmiley - wahsmiley - cry - I didn't think getting every single smiley - bleep ing side effect of medication was very likely smiley - wahsmiley - cry

so. having woke early this morning, and before taking my steroids (to make myself feel ill and weak), I did some housework....
The first bit I did, before taking the steroids went fine, took about half an hour, then had some smiley - tea and was a bit peckish, so made breakfast, and thereofre took the morning steroids.

then got all the ill that goes with taking them, restarted housework; exercise tollerance dumps so low, I'm drenched in sweat so quickly, for doing very little exercise, so I get on.... I do the sweeping.

and I've blisteres on my hands... blisters from sweeping? smiley - huh I wasn't like even holding the broom particularly tight or anything... - I assume this is the start of my skin thinning from the steroids smiley - cry great. smiley - bleep ing great. smiley - grrsmiley - cry


Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - weird two letters arrived in the post... from hospital... figured one would be from endo, one from cardiology... both were from endocrine smiley - erm one a clinic letter, to GP from last app, with some blood results and things (and a mispelling of one of the medications I'm on.... smiley - dohsmiley - huhsmiley - yikes ) the other, some more recent bloods, from the blood test early morning, a week ago Wednesday just gone.... smiley - weird Testosterone reallly rather high, (that oughta be peak level as its midway between injections), which doesn't quite tally up with how I was feeing back then... - unless of course, my body is just prefering not to have the testosterone quite so near the top of 'normal' range smiley - alienfrown

oo; I don't* have penitious Anemia! smiley - wow - negative for both sorts of antibodies; the test from way back march 2015 had me positive for one of the two antibodies smiley - alienfrown - plus on my results from two weeks ago, my B12 is really nicely near the top of the range, so I think I'll keep on my current dose of sublingual B12, as having it high certainly makes me 'feel' better smiley - alienfrown most of the other bloods look good, hemoglobin, red blood cell adn white blood cell counts, my glomular filtration rate is excellent (meaning at least my kidneys are one bit of me that works well) smiley - blush - PSA is raised, but that woudl kinda be expected with having testosterone running fairly high; of course my 'starting' level of PSA was microscopic, undetectible, as back then I had zero testosterone.

and.... I sniff something odd with my TSH, FT3 and FT4...... - but I need to write down the results on the PC, and tabulate with old results to plot it, and see if what I think is happening appears to be happening... smiley - alienfrown PTH level was nice and low, calcium a bit high, potasium and aodium nice and where they oughta be smiley - zen

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