This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Apr 6, 2017
"we've not seen you in ages.... You should come here more often....." -- the phelbotomy nurses today at hospital - True, I haven't had bloods taken in that* phelbotomy place for ages, but useually now its just teh specialist endo nurses who vampireise me, or the blood letting dept within oncology rather than the treatment center bloods, near endocrinology, or the hospital big general outpatients blood letting circus
- testing today was for calcium and parathyroid hormone... - apparently my calcium is elivated, and they want to knwo why... - maybe it has something to do with the vast amount of calcium suppliimentation I take for the ostioporosis ... maybe
- didn't take any calcium last night, nor any this mroning
as the nurse in endocrine said, when w we went there yesterday, to ask her, after I'd done circuit training
at the hospital.
Exercise today was provided for so far by the walk to hospital, 2.5 miles, took 50 minutes... to get to the hospital, then the 14 minute walk through the hospital to the endo/treatment center blood letting - we got to see the leach jar again
Yesterday was the circuit training, tuesday night was ten pin bowling, plus a long hour long walk on Tuesday, monday was weights at the gym, and tomorrow is cardio at the gym
plans for the trip to Berlin are coming on, I think they've got our flights booked now, for Monday, and, need to sort out things this weekend ready for that..... - went to bank today and got euros, and bumped into someone from the charity shop, who heard Us getting euros, and said.... "come to the charity shop I've a present for you...." - two large money bags full of euro coins, that they can't cash up as they're coins not notes... so got some spending money too oddly, won't be able to take my GH pen with me, as it won't keep cool in the coll bag, long enough for the flight, plus tranposrt to heathrow, plus transport from airport in Berlin to the hotel there
so will have to miss an injection Tuesday; I'll inject early on the monday before we leave home, so at least I get an injection that day, albeit at the wrong time, then will inject again as soon as I get home on the Wednesday
had grilled bacon and large flat mushrooms for breakfast, a wrap with smoked Scottish salmmon, greek yoghrt, and half an avocado for lunch tonight is salad and some chips (in the oven), with a few bits of protein err... some kind of grilled meat I think, for dinner.... - calories for the day 1300 ... may make it up to 1700 by popping to the pub for a couple of pints and getting that little extra 20 minutes or so walk in too
wearing a dress that didn't fit me, a week or two back
- still can't decide what to wear for Berlin... maybe the leopard print dress....
or the velvet one....
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