This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

catch the pigeon!

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Cambridge's premier 'upmarket shopping arcade.... the 'grand' arcade was shut earlier today..... all the shops inside shut.... all the people ushered out etc.... - a bomb scare? terorists? fire? nah; a pigeon . what the smiley - bleepsmiley - erm me thinks they dost over-react smiley - laughsmiley - laugh the pigeon is reportidly fine and not harmed by its trip into the ghastly shopping arcade.... smiley - laugh

In otter news; no otters were discovered in the 'grand' arcade.

went out for a walk, for an hour, up to the one shop in town that sells the tea we buy; we bought all the tea we buy that the shop had out on its shelf smiley - laugh then came home, for a smidgeon of lunch; an avocado cut open, extracted, then sliced up, mixed with some tuna, and split between two wraps, one each for me and W, and with some lettuce added in too smiley - zensmiley - drool I think I'm getting addicted to avocado smiley - drool risotto tonight, later, and I had scrambled egg and bacon for breakfast. calories for the day having already totted up the risotto later, about 1300 smiley - zen which oughta leave plenty for some smiley - ale tonight, at the pub, with the LGBT meet group smiley - zen - I'm gona try terrify one particularly 'full-of-himself' guy at the group again.... thinks he's God's gift to 'gay', and so forth adn so on.... the last time I was there, I got him so worried he nearly* fled the building smiley - evilgrin - tonight I may wear my black leather bondage corset, the one with all the D--rings on it smiley - evilgrin and suggest he visits our house one afternoon... for some smiley - handcuffssmiley - evilgrin poor lad... he probably doesn't deserve it but... smiley - laugh nah, he does... smiley - evilgrinsmiley - ale

Already done an hours walking, out for tea quest (back via getting the avocado and some onions and tings, from the international supermarket) smiley - zen - may need a nap now... didn't sleep too great last night, think I got maybe two or three hours, less than four is poor sleep for me now smiley - ermsmiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

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