This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - puffsmiley - wow went to the gym this morning.... wasn't particularly feeling energetic, or anything, but went really well smiley - cool
a bit over an hour, on the static bike, rowing machine, and cross trainer.... smiley - puff and the personal trainer was in a really weird mood... she was kinda totally hyperactive, (though oddly she didn't do any working out...), so instead, she 'boot camped' me, a couple of other people (visitors), and the other personal trainer... so at one point we had a rowing race on the static roring machiens smiley - laugh which made it go more amusingly and quickly smiley - zen was soaked by teh end..... smiley - puff even the bloke on the reception desk commented when I left, something like "that's how your ment to be after the gym".... unlike half the people who seem to go in and out without breakfing a sweat smiley - laugh

After that came home, showered smiley - diva (coconut shampoo, satsuma bodyshop shower gel/cream, dove chey butter soap, shaved and then moisturised after with coconut body butter, and toning spray firming conditioner stuff... whateer the eck that is I've no clue smiley - laugh ) smiley - zen then went into town, to go to the bank, and got a few bits of fod from the shop... soya sauce, more tortylla things.... err... wraps wahtever they're called smiley - doh

had a wrap for lunch, today was tuna and cottage cheese with lettuce smiley - drool - had already had my large mushrooms grilled, with grilled bacon for breakfast.
Dinner was a stir fry, pork cut into strips, gorgeous fresh red bell pepper in strips, some 'mixed' stir fry veg from a bag from the shop (mainly beansprouts I think), and some noodles, in sesame oil, with some soya sauce and semae seeds on top after smiley - zen

hmm. and still only about 900 calories of food today smiley - dohsmiley - erm

just been digitally sining forms for this trip to Berlin smiley - zen

My leggings have been dispatched, as has my new 'case' for the emergency injection HC kit to go in, so hope they arrive soon smiley - zen - must chase up an order of snus I had, as only half of that has turned up... smiley - grr

oh. and weighed myself today, after I showered. smiley - whistle lost abother 2 Lb since wednesday smiley - coolsmiley - boing so,now lost 16 Lb smiley - magic only...... err... *counts* ..... 47 lb more to lose smiley - yikes if I can or want to be that low weight again ... well, whatever it takes of course, to get back into the skinny fit 30" waist levis... and prove th e..... not very underweight nurse wrong smiley - grrsmiley - zen

next at the gym Monday, and then circuit training on Wednesday and gym again Friday... might be ten pin bowling too, this week, I've lost ocunt of when the next one is smiley - zen - will end up missing some of the exercise as the trip to Berlin is soon, but I can't figure out time and dates anymore.... my internal 'understanding' or ability to 'see' dates ahead, or behind, is so messed up.... - its not 'now' so it is either 'then' (past) or then (future), which is a little annoying really to try figure out of planning anything ahead of time smiley - laugh sadly looks like we'll have to fly from heathrow to Berlin, as stanstard doesn't go to the right airport at the destination in any sensible way- stanstard woudl be so much easier as its about a half hour train ride from here... smiley - doh oh well... smiley - zen

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