This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

different number...

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cool that is, the 'starting' number of my weight has changed.... smiley - whistle for a long while.... too long, the starting diget was "16". its now "15" smiley - biggrin on the weigh in last night anyhow smiley - cool dropped another pound or two smiley - coolsmiley - boing 'official weigh-in' tomorrow of course, at the weight loss thingy, but looks like 8 - 10 Lb lost so far I think, smiley - cool

went ten pin bowling tonight smiley - magic still waiting to hear back from gym so I can start up there properly. Also went walking today, for about an hour and a half, a bit more actually, down by the river, soon, hopefully the weather is better, and we can do proper river walks, I.E., not just on the areas that have solid paved/road surfaces smiley - zen

Just ordered a millions pounds worth of more multivitamines and minerals and hormones, off the interwebs, mainly ones for my ostioporosis and ostiopenia, calcium citrate, vitamine D, K2 MK7, D3, magnesium, zinc, B12, B-complex, vitamine C, - not sure I need them all at the moent, but its hard to work out what is left in each jar, so I figured most look low, and so I might as well re-order the lot for now and reassess how quickly I'm using them in a while... they're all differnt sized jars, differnt number sof tablets, and some you need four tablets a day to make a full dose, so working out to have them all run out athe at the same time, is basically impossible smiley - doh especially as I started them each, seperately, introducing one at a time, to ensure I didn't react to any of them, or any particular brand of them smiley - zen Ill neeed a third storage area for medications soon, just for the supliments smiley - laughsmiley - weird but I know how aweful I felt, just one day missing out the magnesium, and now I've been proven right as it were, on teh calcium, and vitamine D3, and K2, as the bone density scan I battled to have done, did prove bone density loss to a significent level smiley - dohsmiley - wah

H hospital tomorrow midday for bloods and measurements for the growth hormone trial I'm on (need to prove from results that I'm getting a benifit from the GH, in order to continue the funding to recieve the expensive medication) smiley - zen - the weight loss oughta be one big point pointing toward its working, hopefully bloods show some improvement too (in cholesterole etc), and also the measurement of my waist smiley - blush - I think I'll score an aweful lot better on teh QOL questionaire, not least as I had full points on it last time (full as in indicating lowest possible quality of life) smiley - zen then after hospital, midday, its back home.... for a few hours, then back to hospital health and fitness club place, later on early evening, for the fitness class etc smiley - zen and the weigh in smiley - laughsmiley - diva - bloke on the fruit and veg stall in town, said I looked like I've lost weight today smiley - smiley <magic: we bought all of his mushrooms.... - well he only had half a kilo left - sadly none of the big flat ones I've been eating and enjoying so much recently with breakfas.... but the little ones will make a change I guess smiley - zensmiley - flyingpigsmiley - friedegg

had salad tonight, with tuna, and a small portion of pasta, coming in at 485 calories a portion smiley - zen - only had three pints at bowling, and with the walking earlier, and breakfast etc, only about 700 net calories for the day... smiley - divasmiley - geeksmiley - scientist

different number...

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Actually the weight loss, in total, I need to recalculate.... Just before I started, I had a set of talkign scales... which were... basically falling to bits smiley - blush so the weight I thought I was on them, was probably not my weight... then I had the starting weigh-in, at the organisational thing, just before starting the weight loss class, then my weigh in, on day 1, of the course, subsequently we bought a new non-talking set of digital scales from John Lewis, which we calibrated to the ones at the hospital (and they agreed with each other)... so, the ones at the hospital, at day 1, I think weighed we at 107 KG, and now I'm at 101 KG, so that is 6 KG loss... which is, I think 6 KG X 2.2= err.... about 12 or 13 Lb I've lost ? smiley - ermsmiley - yikes thats... pretty good in about err... a month... smiley - cool so I had about 60 Lb of weight gain, due to the steroids, probably more due to my scales being wonky smiley - laugh and I've already lost.... 12 or so... Lb of that... smiley - coolsmiley - magic but, we'll see what the scales at the hospital say tomorrow afternoon (the ones in endocrineology theyll weigh me on in the morning ar enot accurate, i know this; moving from them, to a differnt set of scales, in the bone density bit of the hospital, was 2 KG differnt, in a day smiley - laugh and I wasn't going up/down that quickly smiley - laugh ) smiley - erm I've already started re-fitting into clothes I was wearing end of last year, start of this, which, yeh, I could still sort of fit into but were a wee bit snug smiley - blush like my leopard print dress smiley - diva and my read beaded flapper dress smiley - diva and even my old brown leather jacket I've had for decades, which was only* just able to be done up, I can now wear comfortabley again (just not as much room inside it, as there was when I weighed 11 stone 12 Lb back at the start of 2015) smiley - zensmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - diva Oncology are so going to flip their nut if the figured from scales in other parts of the hospital, pass by their unobservant eyes smiley - laughsmiley - yikessmiley - doctorsmiley - nurse

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