This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...
it wasn't the worse of times, but it wasn't the best of times, ..
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Dec 24, 2016
put in eye drops... again and again and again, but no ease to the pain (viscotears, celluvisc etc).
Waited for W to wake, and rank tea, and more tea, and more more tea
then william got up, explained about the eye, etc.....
We were due at the hospital today (friday), anyhow, for the testosterone injection at 11.30, so we just left early for the hospital, on the bus
Went straight to the emergency eye clinic, to try get someone look at the eye (I've had this a couple times before, now, since I stopped producing tears/librication).
no app availible, then, so booked one for 2.30 in the afternoon....
Slowely took our way to endocrine clinic, where they took my bloods.... and failed to say much to me, when I told them how I was feeling (well they asked)....
W had to go off and get the nabedo from the pharmacy as they'd not got it ready so I wated for that to arrive, chatted a bit of the main nurse I know... Explained again how ill the levothyroxin makes me feel, and kind of suggested to her, that I might just stop taking treatment soon if things don't improve.... She, implied, hat in her profesional capacity she can't suggest anything good would happen were I to stop meds, but strongly implied that if the meds are making me so ill, one might consider just stopping them (from a person to person perspective, making it clear she would never suggest such as a nurse talking to a patient...)
Had the IM nabedo injection, on my left side this time, forf a change, which of course I didn't feel... - the nurse almost ocmmented that its a bit odd I can't feel either the I.V needle or the 90 MM IM needle go in
left there....
time to kill...
went over to Maggie's, the cancer charity (where our wedding money/gifts all went), which I really like; most supportive place/thing during my chemo last year, and chatted to a few people there, and had some and tried help a lady with advice as she was choosing headscarfs
- her and I both agreed leopard print is a good thing but perhaps not for a headscarf
went over to the eye clinic, eventually got seen; drops to dilate, etc, (something in them just stopped the pain, hurrah!) - pain returned later, but not so bad now I guess.
pressure in eye normal which is good (endocrine should be monitroing that as steorids can raise eye pressure, but endocrine don't measure it/monitor anything).
scratch on eye again, so have to use lots of extra ordinary drops, plus have a antibiotic eye drop for the next five days, which I managed to get three doses of in today .
came back, - could feel testosterone working; asides anything testosterone helps ones' pain tollerance; so that is probably why eye stopped hurting so much.
Got home, took levothyroxin; decided I'm dosing it msyelf as the hospital don't bother to monitor it right, so took 100 McG not 75.
had some tea, put in the antibiotic eye drop, plus orindary drops...
went for a nap.....
woke about 8, <sleepy.
Cooked chicken and rice for W and I, and then after food took magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamine D, vitamine K etc, oh, and took the 2 MG prednisolone before dinner.
OH, and took the multivit and vitamine C, when got back from hospital...
Showered late, and by the time I did that it was drug time ; took melatonin, put in eye drops, and injected the HGH (right thigh today).
Four lots of the HGH now... I think it might be doing something...
Well something is doing something. my breasts are growing again
almost messed up the HGH injection.... - I'd moisturised after the shower (rose body butter), and.... the skin was quite slippary but I think it went in OK and didn't glide the needle off as I could just about feel the needle going in again....
So, I've done tummy, low down, left and right, and left and right thigh. Tomorrow might be time to move on to breasts, there's plenty of flesh there to inject into afterall
felt relatively good all day, despite chronic pain in the eye, and IV neeles, IM needles, SC needles, and the busiesness of the day, plus no sleep; I didn't have muscle weakness in legs, or arms, orpain, - because I didn't take the levo in the morning.... - may experiemtn moving the dose time, even though one is ment* to take it in the morning.... I know some recomendations now suggest at night is good as absorption is higher at night.... - today I took it mid afternoon, and the effect didn't seem so bad as normal first thing in the morning is
Oh, and we went to the butchers on way back from hospital, as we can get off the bus just outside the butchers door.... we got beef (shin), bacon, sausages and black pudding
Might do something with the bacon for dinner tomorrow night; pierogi, with a sauce of bacon, butter, garlic and onions to throw over it
Oh, and I'm on a diet.
today I ate;
2 small cooked sausages.
a mince pie (at maggies),
rice, with chicken breast and onion and some spices. (about 35 G uncooked weight basmatic rice, half an small onion, a tiny bit of olive oil, mustard, cumin and fennel seed, and about 120 G of chicken breast)
probably will have some cheese and crackers before bed, four or five crackers, and no sur e what cheese.
I'm trying to avoid carbs as much as possible, as that is logical given my metabolic problems with processing carbohydrates nowk, due to the low thyroid, high steroid dose, and so forth.... hoping will notice some weight loss, with the HGH and dieting a bit, plus now having my testosterone levels topped up again - may be out tomorrow night, not sure yet....
The injection is already second nature.... - just need to put a small tub, or even one of the old ash trays, out, on top of the drug drawers continaing the needles, and the sharps bin; to put the caps from the needles, and the tear off stip covering the back of the needles, in, as they can easily get lost and onto the floor.... - oh, and it was a struggle getting the needle back of f the pen tonight...
- hands too moisturised after the shower kept slipping
The shower tonight was brown sugar body scrub, dove soap, coconut shampoo, and body shop rose shower gel/cream the moisturiser was also body shop, rose
and the perfume was jassmine
it wasn't the worse of times, but it wasn't the best of times, ..
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Dec 24, 2016
Slept well last night thank BoB
woke feeling fine... and... oddly, felt fine after taking the levothyroxin!; took 100 McG not the 75 McG I'm prescribed
then took Prednisolone, took vitamines and minnerals and stuf as per useual, eye drops, and then antibiotic eyedrops, and put in tons of eyedrops over the day, plus two more antibiotic lots... I think... - so one more of antibiotics eye drops for today I think...
oTook prednisolone 2 Mg before dinner, and took PPI before dinner too (had pierogi),
had omulette of sasusages and cheese for breakfast/lunch
has some cheese on crackers in afternoon...
Brother came round to visit, which was good as I've not seen in ages... he gave a gift, which we had to open early, as it contained some food... - he really shouldn't have bought me that much stuff.... bottle of port, some gorgeous stone/flint/ stone coasters, two lots of cheese, crackers, Xmas puddings, biscuits, pickled onions, chutneys, chocolates, mints, and all manner of things
(a good job we hadn't really gotten overly much in for Xmas!).
err, only problem is I haven't gotten round to get him a present yet, so I must do that now! nah, not last minute at all... err....
William' daughter came to visit, minus her children as they were elsewhere, which was good (I think we got more gifts too)
Started feeling ropy in afternoon, very distant, not with it, etc, maybe fatigue, perhaps low BP, not sure... still feel a bit odd now,a fter dinner (so I guess its not hypoglycemia)
Not been outside all day, so will probably try go to the pub later, just hope its not too full of drunk tinsil drinkers (the ones that only come out at Xmas time, and who shouldn't be alolowed out to go to pubs... - there should be a law, anyone who doesn't go the pub, at least once a month, just shouldn't ever be allowed into a pub... )
Very quiet day, all up to date on meds, and supplements, just an injection of the HGH later, plus melatonin, and the antibiotic eyedrop, oh, and some more ordinary eye drops too, of course
Wrists and handsa a bit painful, not sure what that is about... (actually suddenly remembering that can be a side effectr of the HGH as it can cause carpel tunnel syndrome thing... I think)
I think the HGH is definately making my brain work betterer.... and the testosterone is helping now (less pain in body etc)
I think I'm really starting to like the pain from the needles, so long as I find a bit of skin where I can actually feel it... nice precise point of the pain, so it spreads out pretty colours so evenly... hmm... giving needles to a masochist is probably a really bad idea daugher
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it wasn't the worse of times, but it wasn't the best of times, ..
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