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2legs the twentysixth - fabulusness
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Nov 26, 2016
nere has such a room before contained such a gathered grouping of fabulusness
as did last night
- Even if the oestrogen content of the room was a little heady at times
Didn't get to bed last night until gone 3 woke about 6.30 feeling a bit nauseous, but it passed quickly so wasn't anything much (may have been some reflux I think )
anyhow, the thing last night was fabulus, so many gorgeous outfits, and so many people wanting their photo taken with me for some reason
a few pics of me on their own ended up on twitter and FB I think chatted to the organiser of las tnight's event which was for a refugee charity (they raised money for that on the door), and is this DJ collective thing, encouraging lesbien's to become DJs....
Met one girl I know there (the biochemist who's moving to Cambridge), and she had her daughter with her, as promised...
One slight mess up with the venue.... - about 70% or more of the people there were female, and the female toilet in the pub... had one cubicle So by 11 PM, most of the girls were just using the gents too, which had two or three cubicles in addition to the urinals...
Beer wasn't anything special, and was a bit pricey, but it was a really good evening, if very busy and noisey.... - had to concentrate to stop the anxiety and paranoia....
Also bumped into another person we knew from another pub, and chatted to a lot of differnt people....
Just woke this evening, after a fairly long nap; must get dinner done now, so I can shower, as its an LGBT thing tonight at a local pub with some people we know
2legs the twentysixth - fabulusness
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Nov 27, 2016
that was a rather alright dress... for second hand off of Ebay for I think about £4.99 with £3 postage
- the red beaded jacket was the most fabulus thing I've gought yet, a few quid in a nearby second hand shop, last year
(just hoping I don't pu ton much more weight or the jacekt won't fit me )
- at the moment scales say I'm not gaining weight, which I think means I'm losing weight; but I'm getting bigger due to the fluid retention espeically now on the tops of my arms and backs of my shoulders, makes thing s awkard to size as to get a fit its way too ig for the rest of me
Tonight out was another great night, just got back - red floral skirt tonight, and a green/blue blouse plus the red coat I got more recnetly
am working W up to the idea of going to a nightclub next week... its so* his not sort of thing... heck, night clubs are so my not sort of thing... but its aobut the only offical 'gay' thin gthat occurs in Cambridge, is a big gaay LGBT disco/nightclub thing eveyr month or so at a big club near by
I think we ma go...... it may be a bad choice but it might be laught..... that is next Saturday I think, assuming I'm OK that day/night of course
- I may have to order the new ballgown I've been considering for a week or so... is on offer afterall....
and its red too
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2legs the twentysixth - fabulusness
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