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Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm hot smiley - flustered well... OK I'm know I'm ' 'hot' 'like that', but I mean... smiley - puffsmiley - flustered I assume this is summer smiley - flustered Never did much like the heat, and the last two days has seen my energy levels drop right down again - barely got the energy to shower TBH.... and... its far too hot for sex... smiley - blushsmiley - handcuffssmiley - alesmiley - flan juts had a bit of cold quiche tonight for dinner, so I could take the drugs with it smiley - scientist been trying to dig out relivent peer reviewed, recent articles, to justify eligability for starting replacement growth hormone, as the recent thing on that was that oncology did another U-turn and told endocrinology they don't want me to have it, though I'm not finding any evidence to support oncologys ideas that it'd increase my risk of relapse... smiley - huh - first off oncology said no, to the GH, then I spoke to a grown up oncologist last time I was having a checkup, and he said I could... and now some random oncologist I've never seen wrote to endocrinology saying no... smiley - alienfrown and its too hot to be trying to concentrate reading scientific articles and hunting down refernces.... smiley - dohsmiley - hotdogsmiley - burger

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