This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

... Sex that is. err. not me mind... like I'd ever need too smiley - laughsmiley - blushsmiley - erm
We just popped out, briefly to the pub, had to leave when they cleared all the bodies from outside, and the pub got too busy, but, before that.... smiley - huhsmiley - weird
A guy we've talked too a few times before, was there, minus his tiny little cute doggy smiley - dog and he sat at the table W and I were at.... conversation ensues as often it is wo to do, in such a place as a public house.
Ok.... bits of the conversation getting slightly weird (yeh, that has to be quite some weird to register on my radda for weird).
Oh.... OK... eh.... uh hu... smiley - huh and.... basically I think he attempted (not very well one might add), to solicit me for sex smiley - laughsmiley - weird hmm. smiley - 2cents pity I was so tired really smiley - sleepysmiley - laugh how... odd... smiley - snork


Post 2

Baron Grim

You are just a Great Attractor.

(Not THE Great Attractor, that's an astronomical thing regarding a massive gravitational field.)


Post 3


Good to see you back on your feet.

I was beginning to worry. (More than usual.)


Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm still sort of on my feet.

walking getting painful as the swelling in my legs gets worse.
Can't really use my right arm properly as the swelling in that is making it too painful... smiley - injured

average day seems to go;
go to bed. don't sleep.
get up. take drugs. start feeling worse. go back to bed.
Don't sleep.
Get up at 2 PM, take more drugs. feel worse.
go back to bed. don't sleep.
Get up, take more drugs... eat dinner...
Then, about 9 PM I start waking up, shower, and go to the pub, to try get drunk enough to be able to sleep. smiley - zensmiley - ale
Alcohol sops the pain too, which is everywehre now.

I have no idea why the Drs won't do anything I keep telling them I'm ill...

Endocrinology should hav egot the most recent letter now, from the GP, hope they may pay attention to it this time round. smiley - grovel

Getting kinda tempted to phone endo again, tomorrow, tell they to hurry up a bit and do something before I just stop taking the evil poisen drugs, which outa worry them a bit, as if I do stop taking them, I'm ment to go into a coma and die. I guess if that doesn't work, maybe physical violence against them is the only option left.

Spent most of today screaming at noises outside. my noise sensativity is getting worse (which really doesn't help with sleeping unless I'm drunk enough to just pass out) smiley - erm mainly taken to sleeping in the spare room now, as its quieter thank the main bedroom ... so W gets the main bedroom and Poor Bee, and I get the spare bed, and frog smiley - laugh I dunno... married less than a month and we're already in seperate beds smiley - laughsmiley - headhurts so hot all the time, and sweaty... not sure if that is just the weather and humidity or if its a cancer thing (lymphoma often casues sweating), or indeed thyroid or other hormone related... its horrible smiley - laughsmiley - blush

So. tired... smiley - sleepy

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