This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh get to have anohter sex change today smiley - magic been in hot flushes now, and disrupted sleep and foggy brain (even mor ethan useusual) for a couple weeks now, as my testosterone had dripped low again since teh last injection about 6 weeks ago... - another couple hours and I'll be at the hospital seeing the loverly 'nurse who turns me on', or 'the nurse who makes me hard' as I'd never have teh guts to tell her to her face smiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - sorrysmiley - snork
hope it settles in quick and my levels return to some kind of normality smiley - grovel for a few weeks until they start dipping again smiley - doh Unfortunately doesn't look like I've a clinic appointment today, so I can't discuss the first month of being on thyroxin (levothyroxin) with them, and see if increasing the dose from 75 McG to 100 McG is worth trying now having done a month on 75 McG smiley - zensmiley - scientist
I may ask the nurse, as she may suggest I increase it, though I'm not sure they like taking responsibility for such descisions, and anyhow, I'd need a letter sent to the GP to script for mor etablets if I'm on a higher dose smiley - doh
At least I can tell the nurse I'm now back on a theraputic/clinical dosage of hydrocortisone as before I started on the levothyroxin my body coudn't tollerate the dose I was ment to be on, so I'd reduced it mysself, much to the annoyance and fright of the endo team, as the low dose i was putting myself on, was theoretically beflow the dose where the drug actually does anything at all smiley - ermsmiley - shrug

Guess I oughta wear the skirt with teh elastic waist today, so the nurse can get to my hip so they can inject the labido/testosterone smiley - zen Wearing my rainbow and unicorn leggings, just to brighten up the nurses day smiley - whistlesmiley - zen


Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Notepad would strongly covet those leggings!

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