This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

kinda tempting...

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - evilgrin Well I guess they have my E-Mail... and I guess they must have my D.O.B, on record.... and, apparently, according to them, though I deny it, next year is like my 40th... (seems odd as I was born in 1996). (OK, so I'm lieing about my year f bith, but.... yeh... innit). smiley - laugh

anyhow... one of those E-Mail type thinggies one gets and useually just deletes.... its from Macmillan ... so I opened it... like... OK... I guess these are all things you have to go out and get sponsored to do... innit... but... Some of them look kinda tempting... (guess I oughta click thogh see how much they'd cost) smiley - laugh but... maybe.... maybe tecking across the Gt wall of China, or climbing... err, some big hill K2 or kilamanjaro or something ... would be a pretty suitably daft stupid thing to do, not only as it turns out, pretty much to the date/date marking my 17 birthday (OK damnit, my 40th), but, oddly, as coincidence would have it, I guess pretty much marking, to the day, the two year anniversary, (being as how its next year), to my discovering the lump under my armpit smiley - laugh err... did I ever name this lump? I can't recall... probably... smiley - snork Hmm... yakno.... that might just be s uitably insane an adventure to go off on smiley - laugh Hmm... I might have to get a bit fitter than I is though smiley - laugh A walk into town and back still half does me in now smiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

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