This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - sadface mainly down. smiley - wah which is so so so so unfair on William smiley - sadface was up earlier though... smiley - smiley but... then...
no idea. just... so far down. and, I'm not convinced its really anything to do with my current slight ailment (which I'm sure has long ago vacated this most peculiar of places for it to inhabit, visa my body). just... everything from ever, forever, all at once in my mind, at teh same time. and. my mind can't handle it.
not sleeping. even wehn I sleep I don't sleep. the sleeping tablets last night didn't do sod all. and I took teh double dose the GP told me too, rahter than the half that sized doze teh consultant first said. smiley - erm actually, not entirely sure I didn't screw that up last night, and take it twice, so took double double or soemthing smiley - ermthen today.. fine earlier... sort of ... then. just. don't know.

scared. - I dont' know what I'd have done, earlier, if William hand' tof been here. smiley - erm I just... dunno. its kinda wird. err, weird> smiley - erm I mean.. not taht* kinda weird... but... smiley - erm < smiley - shrug

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

gosh, and now its 3 am, thanks to clock change. not tired at all. but so tired. I've not slept in years. most of my sleep isn't sleep. its. sort of ... just drowsy wakefulness. well, guess I'll go do some of that for four or five hours, then get a shower, not showered since... like Thursday morning. damnit. smiley - grr

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I slept theis afternoon. for an hour. wow. I mean. like an hours, actual sleep.

then found energy to shower, majorly... - been so down, for no reason I could ... get, that I'd not really washed proper since like Thursday morning, just before the twelve hour long stint at hospital, for just the few bits of time, ahte the actual chemo takes smiley - groan
full on shower . mind. smiley - laugh
chea butter soap. flannel.
coconut and something body wash. exfoliating cloth.
exfoliating coconut body shop scrub. exfoliating scrub sponge.
coconut shampoo.coconut conditioner.shaved (Ok, why hasn't the chemo ment I can stop shaving me face, an chest? smiley - blush)
then, at the end, teh Lush body melt used as a final moisturign scrub wash (has oats in it, so gorgeous). ,blush> smiley - blush

then, of course, coconut butter, after drying myself, for moisturising.

danced in front of the Hifi to prince, zappa, (seriously), and, roymond's roymondo's Debauchery song. seriously seriously.

slipped on:

my 32" skinny fit female levis'~! no problem! yeh! tightest hole on big black leather belt too smiley - divasmiley - cool

chainmail bracelts/cuffs, and my chainmail new slave with bells, anklet smiley - cool

perlipheral neuropathy already geting better; ahnds working better, and feeling coming back; even the tricky tight catch on the anklet, I coudl do... smiley - coolsmiley - boing


in the kitchen. the kitchen wall. W. me. yeh. I've still got it. smiley - divasmiley - biggrin more... actually.. I think than before this whole chemo nonsense started smiley - evilgrin

ate a large bucket of piteroles with choc sauce, for dessert smiley - laugh so many choc pefiteroles... followed by cherry bakewell tarts. smiley - laugh

I'm so tempted to go open the pickled onions we bought earlier ; getting out of the house was a good move, even if it was jut a short trip in the freezing wind, to teh shop at teh end of the road smiley - laughsmiley - zen

may be out, briefly, with a friend tomorrow night; for a pint or two. well.. when I say briefly... if I'm 'up' I might ... ya know... go all the way smiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

you can't keep a 2legs down for long... I've a dredful reutatuation err reputation to maintain... or at least add too, hurrendiously... smiley - laugh

but. yesterday was scarey. wondering if I shoudl contact my main contact nurse person... err.... key worker? soemthing like taht... CNS or CSN (cancer specialist, or cancer, nurse specialist... soemthgin like that... she's kinda cute anyhow... so maybe an idea... ) smiley - laugh

I sear my skin has never been so good... all this extra moisturising smiley - laughsmiley - boing

I must try be more stable low... avoid those lows... ahd to console W earlier... he was so upset... smiley - cry probably did us both good... espcailly the bits in the kitchen later...and the all... and... damnit... sewear I'm getting even... worse than I was before smiley - snork

and. oo. gift package being sent in my directtion.... from overseas....

Easter gifts. smiley - snork
an 'egg'.
and 'teddy'...and... a necklace smiley - droolsmiley - blushsmiley - loveblushsmiley - drool
I don't deserve such people in my life... I'm so lucky. smiley - blushsmiley - run must be nearly supper time smiley - laugh

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 4


I'm so glad you're back up. You're totally allowed to feel the negative stuff, indeed I'm surprised there's not more of it, but it's strange to read because it seems so unlike the you I've come to "know" from your postings here.

And hey, maybe it was just the need for a good scrub that brought you down!

Deb smiley - cheerup

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Maybe it was a lack of coconut scrub, moisturiser, shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating scrub, and... hmm.... the main drug I appear to be on is coconut.... - I stand by ny origional clame taht Its anti-cancerous smiley - laughsmiley - snork theraputic for my mind, anyhow, if nothing else..,,

the drop was weird, I can summise some explinations;

the smashing the glass in the kitchen, put me semi into shock; as I've ment to have this Addison's disease now, entirely unrelated to the lymphoma, apparently, I'm not producing cortisol..... and so there wasnt the useual boots of it, that would be in normal conditions... so I kinda went a bit into shoc, then hit a hypoglycemia type ting... - combined with teh chemo drugs in my sysem, too.... - well, i think there is a basis in science in that sort of expliation...

then. there is the whole.... all kinds of everything. Its not the cacner.... its not the lymphoma... its stupid me, for not having got rid of the lodger, years back... its my being annoyed I've got to walk into a pile of rubbish in the house, eery time I come in, blocking the hall, left there by lodger... Its that I can't clean, steralise the worktops, and know they will sitll be that, two minutes later... Its being woken if I've managed to sleep, by hearing lodger get home, or hearing a car in the street, or just hearing the water moving through the pipes in the house...
Its annoyance with myself for not having energy to clean and do housework, properly... and for my being so snappy with W sometimes... and not ... and... and not having slept for properly for decades... and not having the energy to cook proper food, or make bread... or... having not any concentration to read... or do anything; its haing 23 hour long days, during which I ca't concentrate on anything, much at all for more than 40 minutes, at a time smiley - wah


having said which.

Mainlly its all fine smiley - ermsmiley - weird seriously.

depends I guess, how you view it; I don't necessarily view it as me, or in me, I don't have too... I;m often viewing myself more third party than first-hand anyhow,,,

so... like waking this morning. unable just about to move... muscles... so smiley - bruisedsmiley - wah - probably hurt... I've o idea, I just ignored it... after a while... got uncomfortable though, with the massive abdominal cramps too... so I got up.

I've a feeling getting up may have hurt; no idea, but... it... sort of ... felt like it might sort obe... took a while to get moving basically smiley - laugh - Im not used to feeling 'that old' getting up smiley - laughsmiley - senior

some restorative Jasmine tea though smiley - tea and things were fine...

drugs... breska.... jasmine tea...

then a trip out... which is such a good idea, esp if I'm feeling rubbish.

smiley - blush tried to find a new French press, for coffee, but couldn't... did some grocery shopping smiley - drool

and. smiley - blushsmiley - biggrin I may have wined.,,... a bit... until.... Sir gave in... smiley - whistle and... of all things smiley - laughsmiley - laugh took me into the big pet store... smiley - laugh and... bought me a present <drool smiley - blushsmiley - handcuffssmiley - erm well.... it really is such a gorgeous leash... so heavy and ... gorgeous smiley - laughsmiley - blush

home, and spent the last of energy I had, making some late lunch... and now William's gone home, for some stuff he needs to do, for a few days, and I'm... smiley - sleepy sorting out stuff on laptop, and wondering what to do next... oh, and doing my laundry, which I've ignored again, for ages smiley - blush

trying to sort out impossibility of medical stuff, err, a week Thursday; but W is gona o do that... the stress of my thinking about that... would likely send me ... down again; two pet scans, one day, neither of which can happen, as chemo is on same day; but pet scan needed before chemo, this new cycle starting... - think they need to cancel one pet, and move the chemo from Thurs to Fri, unless they can reschedule a pet for earlier in the week smiley - headhurts

so. so so tired... but I'm in chainmail, and I've a new leash. what could possibly go wrong. smiley - snork

my ... almost illegally aquired supply of snus turned up today smiley - laughsmiley - whistle and... I am.... apparently... going to the pub tonight... that might... be... odd smiley - laugh I might have to call off the pub, unless I can wake up at some point; hot shower later, I think smiley - sleepy

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 6


Have a virtual smiley - cuddle. Although it may be more for my benefit - I probably need to give you a cuddle after that last post more than you need to receive one!

Deb smiley - cheerup

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Awwwww... thanks smiley - blush - really I'm fine... just... soemtimes goes a bit... wonky even by my ... very low or odd standards smiley - laugh =- lets face it... I never had a particular solid grip on reality... err... like every in my life really smiley - laughsmiley - boing

yesterday was good... today's been good too smiley - zen

went out to the pub last night... smiley - wow for ... like the first time... in forever smiley - wow and... got ... a little* drunk... but I was sensible... ish... smiley - laugh
was so convinced I'd be feeling like a train crash this morning though; and laying in bed... before I got up... sort of half awake, listning to that horible wind outside.... I ... didn't wanna get up... then... smiley - grr I gave myself a good talking too, as it were. and got up... and smiley - huh
felt so fine! smiley - laughsmiley - weird no sign of a hangover or anything... probably soem aches and stuff, but... like so what smiley - laugh

and last night out was cool smiley - boing there was beer... and laughter and people talking the P out of me... and lots of jokes about my still having hair smiley - laugh and... beer... adn a burger and chips... and ... a couple of strange blokes at a table... and... Swedish snus for me, whilst my friend gave himself lung cancer smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin and, then there was the off liecence.... then there was music and dancing smiley - diva and.... I was sort of well-behaved; others were smoking; I did not. smiley - zen although.... teh little bits of passive smoking I might ahve.... had forced apon me... were not.... any the less... plesent (strange I know), for their... largely.... smiley - ermsmiley - whistle herbal content smiley - laugh but I was good and didn't smoke and... I only had like a little beer... really... well quite a lot... and... smiley - boing so damn normal... smiley - erm hmm. well normal by my standards type normal night out... and fresh air despite teh rain and cold, just felt good... and walking about at night... and being back at my friends, where I'd not been in ages, and playing very badly with a couple of his guitars and ukes and stuff and listening to some old music and rubbish, and talking ... even more c than I do on here smiley - laughsmiley - boing

still can't belive I wasn't even remotely hungover today smiley - biggrin

today I then got stuff done;
kitchen cleaned. bedroom cleaned. bedroom tidied. laundry put away. etc., etc.,and lots of smiley - tea and eggs were had for lunch with some posh bread I bought smiley - laugh

and I jut ordered up a new cafetiere smiley - zen and... smiley - laugh

of all things... I'm now looking at mother and baby stuff; baby-/toy storage things; for a hammock or something to store my menegerie err manegeri of pets/teddys/plush toys in smiley - laugh seriously.... - each time.... - there is always more weird yet to discover smiley - biggrin

I must try... though... stabelise my emotions a bit more... avoid the huge down bits... I just don't know where they come from.... they're so not me... at all... and... I know.. with just a tiny tiny bit more strength, I can va vanquish them, immediately, so long as I'm not overly smiley - sleepysmiley - zzzsmiley - flusteredsmiley - bruised at teh same time... -0 I must try harder smiley - zensmiley - boing
oo. time for more tea... then shower... then soemthing gorgeous for dinner... and... then... just... because... a bonkers scented, full of bath bombs, and bath melts, bath later on just to smiley - blush well make my skin nice but also ease some aching in my shoulders and arms and places smiley - laughsmiley - boing up and up .... to insanity and beyond#! smiley - boingsmiley - runsmiley - boingsmiley - badgersmiley - badgersmiley - badgersmiley - badger

oo; and William was busy on the phone, first thing, at his; and had gotten all teh hopital confusion sorted, by the time I'd got up; the PET scan is on the Thursday (week thursday coming), and then the chemos moved to the Friday so it'll all work out afterall smiley - cool don't anna miss my loverly vloverly loverly tasty drugs from chemo nor the tasty radiation for the PET scan smiley - biggrinsmiley - silly

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 8


I know what you mean about the passive smoking. When I first stopped, if I was out for a meal I would go and hang around the smokers afterwards (this was in the days when smokers weren't social pariahs and didn't have to leave the building to get their fix) and breathe deeply smiley - rofl

I still like it sometimes, even after nearly 15 years!

Deb smiley - cheerup

...all the way up.... all the way down....

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh I guess it never leaves one! smiley - weird although, having said which, I can't imagine, ever wanting to actually 'be a smoker' again... even after, what, like a month or two I guss now, not smoking, despite twenty years of smoking before, the idea, just seems... so odd! smiley - laugh


ahh. - the affect of the chemo is really very differnt every time, and I think I can safely say, the cytotoxic drugs are starting to build up in my system.... gosh... physically felt so smiley - sleepysmiley - bruised this morning.... - didn't even wake and get up until 11! smiley - blush

and.... oh... this could be even worse, of course, after the subsequent infusions and cycles to come smiley - laugh

Morally and... something uplifting and building, no doubt smiley - biggrin

bending and breaking myself, to be reassembled, the other side, into something even mor weird than I was before. smiley - zen

pah.... its so not trying... I'm way more physically stronger than it.... thus far! smiley - laughsmiley - snork

emotionally stronger even as my body weakens, which is kinda weird... and now I've been up, done some stuff, bit of cleaning, put on laundry, cooked, eaten, etc, feeling a bit better, I guess... but... I may have to give in and nap later smiley - sleepysmiley - bruised

novel experience of a really painful eye; took a while to figure it out; damn eyelashes falling out! smiley - laughsmiley - snork making eye sore/itchy smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

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