This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Bonfire n night tonight. Though you wouldn't know, was enough going off outside on the forth to fool you it'd all happened early...

Bonfire night is great... in our line of work... there's all these bangs, loud explosions and things, going off outside, its just perfect to cover up any noisey activities you might not want undesirable people to know about... say, well, the police for one... smiley - bluelight

Parkhurst and Fingers are off out in a few hours, taking advantage of the dark, to get a few things, ready, for tonight, when they've got a seriously noisey one to take care of... and of course, timing it right, no one will ever hear a squeak, what with the fireworks going off whilst they work...

Have some leftover cheese to use up, and two duck eggs... a small amount of bread, and some butter... I feel an omelette may be the solution to these scant leftovers, well, in a few hours anyhow...

Must water the plants in the morning, before I leave town for the week... smiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 2


midsummer common tonight?

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Shhhh! don't let everyone know where fingers and Parkhurst are going to be! smiley - biggrin

I'm actually off this morning, so won't be in Cambridge tonight, nor for that matter for the next week or so smiley - dohsmiley - rocket

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 4


You will miss a good display then!

Though I wasn't there last year and it hasn't been as good for a couple of years.

I have to pay up here!

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Do you still come back to Cambridge then? I saw somewhere.... I guess one of your journals, taht you were working and living elsewhere now, smiley - biro There was quite a big set of fireworks going off last night, sounded like it might have been an organised one, as there seemed an awful lot of them, all kind of grouped together... Not sure where that would have been, but it sounded close (I'm just near ARU and East road) smiley - weird

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 6


I'm in Yorkshire now. Moved back home just over a year ago.

Still come down a couple of times a year, I have a lot of friends there and a beutiful God daughter.

*aside - your not allowed to call it ARU if you want to shorten it it has to be to Anglia Ruskin!!!!

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It was called APU in my day! smiley - biggrinsmiley - silly < smiley - biggrin Yes, I'm sure I read that you'd moved back 'up North' smiley - biggrinsmiley - boingI've not moved in years now... still think about doing so from time to time... smiley - doh

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 8

Researcher 14993127

smiley - cat

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 9


smiley - devil

Harry The Minnow's diary; 5th November - Going with a bang...

Post 10

Deep Doo Doo

Do the authorities still allow such dangerous activities as firework displays in Cambridge?

I remember my ill-spent youth in your near-neighbour of Norwich.

Crikey, I think Norwich City Council are still felling chestnut trees in case a wayward smiley - pony-chestnut should fall on someone's head. I recall that window boxes are also banned on Council accommodation in Norwich just in case the bolts work loose and, er well, they kill someone with an unattached sprig of parsley.

I'd have thought that our neighbourly, upper-crust, punting-fraternity just down the A11 would have put a stop to all these shenanigans.

Must remember to write to my Conservative-South MP if I ever come back to the UK. smiley - biggrin

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