This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I must explain how fingers got his name one time... Athough I've a feeling that has already been done...

I'm guessing that your guessing that Parkhurst Petes name doesn't need much explination, but actually, It probably does.

Parkhurst Pete, or Bill as he's moreoften called used to work at Parkhurst, but was mainly using this work as a cover for his real money making inititives, which basically allowed vairous low life chrims inside to continue their work, by using Bill as a means of communication with the world outside... Bill got caught eventulaly, silly sod, was an interesting chase that eneded, as you might probably know, with his falling in the village pond. Scared the heck out of the ducks. And, well since then, he's tried to ditch the 'Bill' in favour of Pete, and of course, to distinguish himself from Pete the paraffin he adopted the name Parkhurst... suits him really, though in rality he's never done time in parkhurst, wel cept for when he was working there, immediatley prior to the incident with the pond, and the ducks.
did laundry today, and rearranged the dalias next to the petunias, they were looking a bit bedraggled after the pony knocked them over last week.

Parkhurst and fingers over later, they've got some news, apparently...

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 2


smiley - bigeyes This is like reading PG Wodehouse on crack!

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

fantastic stuff, all I can say is 'Next!'

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You won't be saying that by the middle of the month....

If you think this is PG woodhouse on crack... then wait to you see my finished novel....
smiley - book
its like its written by a crack head author, on amphetamines, LSD and crystal meth... whilst drunk... in a bath of coconut milk, holding a genuine Welsh Spoon in one hand, and with a complete set of limited edition toilet rolls balanced keenly on their head, whilst a constant stream of discordant wallpaper noises blazes out of a set of 1976 KLH speakers, mounted on the wall by fuzzy-string... and. then... some... All with added green fizzyness and Pottsy, and unnecessary drag scenes in dubious bars, with old ford Cortinas and dusty warehouses... and, that's without mentioning nighthoover features in it... kind of... well, maybe...
smiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrin

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 5

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I think I am in love with Harry

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Harry's a true gentlemen really... Wouldn't 'get into it', unnecessarily.... But, he can put on the pressure shoudl he need too... like, I don't know, say the wine merchants refuses to pay up their money to prevent 'accidental' explosions distoryign their stock... that kidn of thing... he's just a cut a above the likes of parkhurst and fingers... and, well of course he does the most amazing flower-arrangements this side of the artic circle... smiley - zen

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 7


smiley - devil

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I bet you followed the link I put in the thread, for the 4th... I put the wrong link in, as this was the 3rd one smiley - blushsmiley - dohsmiley - boingsmiley - handcuffssmiley - pony

Harry The Minnow's diary; 3rd November - Parkhurst and the village pond.

Post 9


PG Wodehouse,was just about Douglas Adams' favourite author.

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